Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Taking the edge off.

Not in the best of moods tonight. In addition to having a sore throat all day (aka the start of a cold), I've had too many "oh, you're a college graduate and you work at Target? " moments this week. So I'm listening to music and filling out a survey (yes, another one...) to take the edge off. And I may or may not have had several spoonfuls of vanilla frosting, straight out of the can...

Choose: The ability to speak every language or play every instrument? Oh, both would be so cool. But I think I would pick the ability to speak every language.
Are you planning to spend a large sum of money any time soon? No.
Do you prefer listening to music through speakers or headphones? Speakers. Headphones are uncomfortable.
The last time you injured yourself: How did it happen? Today. Running into something at work, as usual.
If you met yourself, would you befriend them? That depends--am I myself meeting myself, or am I someone else meeting myself? Wow, what a headache this question is.
In your opinion, what's the best cure for the hiccups? Distract yourself so you forget you have them.
The shoes you wore today: What do they look like? Tan and white...kinda look like tennis shoes, but they're slip on thingers.
If you have a garage, do you tend to just fill it with junk? I don't have a garage.
Would you prefer to live in an apartment, house or other? I like living in an apartment because maintenance issues and yard upkeep and all that are someone else's problems...but ultimately, I would rather live in a house.
The room you're in currently: Does it have carpet, tiles or other? Carpet.
How cold are you currently? Slightly chilly.
Do you ever feel that people don't actually know The Real You? All the time.
What's your current occupation? Would you change it, if you could? I work at Target. I want to and plan on changing it...just not this instant.
Are you wearing perfume today? What does it smell of? Yes. Fruitiness and vanilla.
The last time you cried: Why were you upset? (Or happy, as the case may be) Because Jordan was crying.
What are you planning to have for dinner tonight? (Or what did you have) I already had dinner...shells and cheese.
What's your favourite hot drink? Caramel latte. I could really go for one right now.
When was the last time you sneezed? Today.
If you had the day off tomorrow, what would you do with your time? Sleep in, clean up the apartment, go to the bank, go grocery shopping, write. Wow, kinda wish I did have tomorrow off...I have a lot of stuff to do.
Do you prefer laptops or computers? I like laptops because that's what I'm used to and the portability is nice...but really, either is fine with me.
Does your mobile phone have a touch screen? My NEW phone does. I don't have it yet, was delivered to my parents' house and they're bringing it to me this Saturday.
Name one food item you eat fairly often: Toast.
The last thing you took a photo of: What was it? I think it was my donut-hole maker that I got for Christmas. Or Crosby.
Name one place you'd like to visit as soon as possible: Chicago. Not as soon as possible, but in the near future. Like the next six months.
What's one good thing that happened today? I had a good day at work. It went by fast.
Name the last good movie you watched: I watched Alice in Wonderland on my day off.
Do you prefer plain, coloured or patterned socks? I like all of the above. My favorite socks tend to be argyle.
When it's Winter, do you wish it could just be warm already? Oh, only about seventy times a day.
When you wake, what is it that you think of most? Depends on what I have to do that day...and what's going on in my life.
Are you home alone currently? No.

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