Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh. Now what?

Well, now I have TWO interviews. One at Target on Friday and one at Hartig Drug on Saturday. Eek. I'm less nervous about the Target interview now that it's not my only chance to be employed in the very immediate future. But what if it goes surprisingly well and they offer me a job right after the interview? They did this to Jordan when he applied. I'll accept it, of course, because there's no guarantee that Hartig Drug will offer me a job...but then do I still go to the other interview so I can see if they would pay me more/give me more hours (and then tell Target I changed my mind if they will)? Or just cancel the other interview? Since I don't know what either job will pay yet, I'm not sure where I'd rather work. They're both cashier positions. Hartig Drug has much better hours (they close at 9:00 Monday through Saturday and at 5:00 on Sunday--how great is that?)...but Target is so much closer to our new apartment. I dunno. I guess I'll just have to play it by ear. Either way...I'm at least confident that I'll be employed relatively soon...somewhere. All the more reason for me to enjoy another lazy day while I still can!

So, do you believe in any conspiracy theories? Nah.
Do you prefer actual books or those weird devices like the Kindle? Actual books. Although a Kindle would have been awesome during college because it was a pain toting around half a dozen books in my purse.
Is there a certain social networking site you just can't stay away from? Guilty...I get on facebook about a million times a day.
Do you prefer female or male vocalists? Either way. My favorites are a mixture of both.
How do you feel about the oil spill in the Gulf? It makes me really sad. It's one of those things that makes you stop and think that we are straight up killing our planet.
Around what time do you start feeling tired enough to go to sleep? Lately, like 5 a.m. That's gonna have to change soon...
What trends do you refuse to give in to?
What types of perfume/cologne do you like on your preferred sex? I'm not picky. Jordan never wears cologne, but his Axe deodorant smells good.
What subjects in history interest you most? Women, writers and musicians in past centuries. Basically, people that I can identify with.
When was the last time you went bowling? Ooh man, I don't know. Not since I lived in Burlington.
Are you superstitious in any way? Nah.
How do you get rid of anxiety? Playing my keyboard, journaling, talking it out with Jordan, playing WoW.
Do you find it easy to express your feelings to someone? Depends on who they are. And what my feelings are.
^How about when you really, really care for that person? When it comes to people I care for, I can usually express myself quite well.
Are there any items of jewelry you never/rarely take off? Engagement and wedding rings.
Has a song ever made you cry before? Yeah.
^If so, what about it brought you to tears? If I'm in a situation where I can identify with the song...or if it's just really moving.
Are you a more of a homebody, or someone who's always out with friends? Homebody!
What's the title of the book nearest to you? Persuasion.
Do you tend to make a lot of sacrifices in the name of love or friendship? Mm, not a lot. But I have made some, definitely.
Are you materialistic? Not terribly.
Would you consider yourself open-minded? Yeah.
Is there anything in your life right now that needs fixing? Hmm...not really. Some aspects I'm not happy with, like the current living and job situation, but those will be better soon.
Are you old fashioned in any way? Yeah.
Do you find yourself correcting people's grammar often? Only in my head--with the exception of my husband, I never correct people's grammar in everyday situations. It seems rude to me.
When was the last time someone gave you a massage? It's probably been a month or two.
Reese's ice cream: Yay or nay? Yay. :)
Would you say that the simple things in life make you happy? Yes.
Aren't cinnamon rolls downright heavenly? Yes!
When was the last time you were in an amazingly awesome mood? Probably when I was in Orange City. I was having a great time with my family and that was also when I found out that I got a 4.0 for my last semester.
Do you come up with your own words or sayings often? Not really.
Have you ever been on I think so...or a very similar site.
Which holiday do you dislike most? I don't know. Maybe Halloween because I don't really get into the whole costume thing...but the candy part is pretty fantastic.
Were you ever into that gel bracelet craze? I had to google that to figure out that you meant those bendy bracelets everyone used to wear. I remember that Tony gave me one when he and I dated (for a whole three weeks)...but other than that, not really. They didn't fit me anyway. Non-adjustable bracelets suck for the tiny-wrist-ed.
Do you have any scars on the palms of your hands? No.
What's the first thing you think of when I say 'pearl necklace'? My pearl necklace, lol. And how I want a legit one with more than one pearl.
How do you handle stress? Sometimes I handle it quite well...but I have been known to get very flustered under stress, too.
Have you ever had jury duty? No.
Gummi worms: Yay or nay? If they're sour, yay.
What do you do when you have 'me time'? If Jordan is home and on the computer, I go play the keyboard or hang out in the living room. If he's at work or asleep, like he is now, I just put on some headphones and listen to music.
What's your opinion on Weird Al Yankovic? I remember being pretty entertained by his parody songs in high school...but other than that, I don't have much of an opinion.
Have you ever met someone online that you wanted to meet in real life? Yeah.
Is there something you need to get off your chest at the moment? Not really.
What would be a clever name for a giraffe? I dunno. I like alliteration, so Ginger or Georgia or something like that for a girl. Maybe Geoff for a boy?
Do you always mean it when you say 'I love you'? Yeah.
When was the last time you got your car washed? I haven't washed it myself in like four years. My Dad washed it for me sometime last year...other than that, I let the rain wash it.
Do you tan easily? I burn easily, but then it turns into a tan.
When was the last time you entertained yourself with shadow puppets? It's been a long time...but I used to have this amazing shadow puppet book that showed you how to make all kinds; it also had pages that turned into shadow puppets.

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