I finished my essay on recovered memories! Yay, productivity! Celebrate with a survey before diving into chapter 12? Yes.
Do you have a big or small family? Medium.
Do you like the way it smells after it rains outside? Yep. And I'm enjoying the scent today. :)
As a kid, did you ever get in trouble for drawing on the wall? Yeah.
Do you toss & turn in your sleep? A bit.
Do you often flip your pillow over to the "cool" side? No.
Have you ever threw popcorn at someone in a movie theater? I don't think so.
Do you need complete darkness to be able to sleep? Nope. I think I fall asleep faster in complete darkness, though.
Have you ever jumped off a roof? Yes, the roof of a little shed. Nothing bigger than that.
Do you have a motto you live by? No, not really.
Are you gullible? Sometimes.
Do you believe that there's good in everyone? I like to think so.
Does it annoy you when people play dumb? Yeah.
Have you ever ate a crayon when you were little? Not that I can recall.
Can you change the oil on a car? No.
Have you stolen a street sign before? Nope.
Do you have freckles? No. But I have this spot on my chest that is all freckled from the sun, if that counts.
Do your initials spell out anything cool? They spell the name Al...if you ignore my middle initial.
Do you take the shampoos & conditioner bottles from hotels? Sometimes. Not the standard crappy "conditioning shampoo" that makes your hair feel awful...but it's legitimately good shampoo, or if the bottle is cute, yes.
Do you use a night light? No.
Have you ever peed in the woods? I've peed outside several times...but never in the woods.
Do you dance even when there's no music playing? Only to make Jordan laugh.
Do you chew on your pens & pencils? No.
Where would you bury hidden treasures if you had some? My Uncle Paul's house.
Do you take vitamins? No.
Can you curl your tongue? Yeah.
Which are better: green or black olives? I hate both of them.
Can you knit or crotchet? I used to know how to crochet...but I forgot.
Do you believe things happen for a reason? Yeah.
Are you a daredevil? No.
Are you passive or aggressive? Passive.
Do you think you are emotionally strong? Yes.
Have you ever had your mouth washed out with soap as a kid? No.
Do you have any unhealthy obsessions? With what? Coffee, which I know is horrible for my teeth...desserts of all kinds, which are going to turn me into a fatty because I never workout.
Do you have any scars? Yeah, lots.
Does the future make you excited or nervous? Mostly excited.
Are you allergic to any animals? Yeah. Cats and ferrets are the worst. I'm mildly allergic to dogs and rabbits, too, but not enough to keep me from obsessing over and interacting with them whenever I can.
Who makes your day brighter? Lots of people!
If you HAD to lose one of your 5 sense which would you choose to give up? Smell.
Do you like your tea sweetened or unsweetened? I like iced tea sweetened and hot tea unsweetened.
Are you a skeptic or do you easily believe? I dunno...somewhere in the middle, I guess.
Would you rather be Amish or homeless? Amish.
Can you read music? Yes.
Do you blush easily? Yes...I hate that!
Does public speaking make you nervous? If I'm prepared, no. If it's a "wing it" kind of situation, yes.
Do you frequently experience deja vu? No.
Have you seen any famous city landmarks? Not really. Does Mt. Rushmore count?
Do you deal with or run away from your problems? I try to deal with them.
Do you act your age? Yeah. Well, compared to other 22-year-olds that I've encountered, I act above my age.
Do you color inside the lines? Yeah.
Do you believe in a lot of conspiracies? No.
Have you ever bought anything from an informercial? Nope.
Can you tell people honest things straight to their face? Yeah.
Are you double jointed in any way? No.
Are you easily offended? No.
Did the movie jaws scare you? I've never seen it.
How good are you at keeping secrets? Very good.
What stupid little thing stresses you out? When strangers stare at me. Unfamiliar situations. Running late.
Have you ever tripped over your own two feet? Yeah.
Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes.
Do you crack your knuckles? Yeah.
Would you flip off the president? No.
What does the world need less of? Hate.
Do you stop to smell the roses? Yes.
Would you ever drop out of school? No.
Have you ever went rock climbing? Only on one of those fake rock climbing walls.
What would you take from your house if u knew it would be flooded 2morrow? Since I have until tomorrow, I'd take as much stuff as we could move out in a day. Our electronics and all my books would be the priority.
Would you prefer to be emotionless so you didn't have to feel a heartbreak? No...life without emotions would be horrible.
Is there a way to solve world hunger, that we are ignoring? Perhaps.
Can you count in roman numerals? I can use them and read them, if that's what you mean.
Do you sleep on your side, stomach or back? Side, mostly.
Do plants die in your care? In my experience, yes. But it's been several years since I've tried to keep a plant.
What do you think of when you look at the stars? How far away they are.
Have you ever blacked out? No.
How do babies make you feel? Happy and nervous.
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