Two weeks left of school... Eek! I can do it, I can do it... And now, an overly detailed account of all the crap I have to do in the next fourteen days.
I'm SO glad to be done with my stories and essays for my two workshop classes...I do have to revise one of my essays (that's our "final exam"), but that's not so bad. I also need to attend as many readings as I can so I can do write ups on them for extra credit. My TA keeps passive aggressively bringing up participation grades. Since I usually only make one or two comments per class, I can only assume that my participation grade is awful. So yes...extra credit is in order. Not much to do for my fiction class--I have to finish a novel we're discussing by Monday, prepare to workshop some more classmates' stories, finish my journal...nothing I can't get done in a day or two.
Unfortunately, I never got caught up in my online classes. But I think I'll be able to make the deadlines. I got two essays and a chapter quiz done in my human memory class I just have four quizzes, one essay, one eight page paper, and the final exam left. Yeah...not a lot at all. Nope. For mythology, I have five quizzes, one five page paper, and the final exam left. Not as intimidating because I already have the paper outlined--and it's shorter. Online classes suck because you have to complete them before finals I had to schedule my exams for May 5th and May 7th. I could really use the extra week to get the exams done...but what can ya do. Hopefully I can cram some studying in somewhere.
For my European lit class, I'm done with papers! The last one was due two days ago. We're reading one more super short novel, and then all that's left is the final exam...which should be easy. It's an essay exam, but he's giving us the questions a week before so we can prepare. And, bonus, because the exam is officially scheduled for 7:30 AM on the last day of finals week (aka the worst time ever), he's letting us take it on May 6th.
And, kinda scary/cool...I'm participating in two readings. On the 26th, I'm reading for the creative writing track's "senior celebration reading." They asked all the seniors graduating from the track to read some of their work, if willing. So I got brave and signed up. Then my essay workshop is affiliated with this "writer's gone public" reading that's happening on May 5th...and I signed up for that, too. Why not? It's the kind of opportunity you only get as a student. Or as a legit published writer, of course.
Now, if you didn't catch this, because of weird scheduling stuff, I don't actually have any finals during exam week. So after May 7th, I'm DONE! I'm so excited that, after surely being sleep deprived for two weeks straight, I'll be able to sleep for a week straight. And maybe get up once or twice to apply for some jobs. Graduation is on May 15th. I read online that the ceremony will take like three hours.../sigh. I'm really tempted to not go, but I think my parents would freak out if I didn't participate in my college graduation.
In non-school-related news, Spencer is moving out on May 3rd. I'm looking forward to reclaiming the living room...but I'll miss him for sure. And our rent's going to go up with it just split between three of us. We're not going to make him continue paying us...he's not on the lease and he didn't even have a bedroom, so that would be kind of awful. I can't believe that it's almost time for us to move, too...three more months. So excited to move to our dog-friendly apartment in Coralville! I just hope we can squeeze all of our stuff in...I'm not worried about the bedroom or living room--they're both really roomy--but the kitchen is teeny tiny. But I'm sure we'll make it work.
What an obnoxiously long blog. But, look--no survey! Go me. Okay, I'm going to make coffee and do some reading.
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