Friday, April 30, 2010

My teachers aren't so horrible after all...

Now that it's the end of the semester, my teachers are finally showing some mercy. The TA for my essay workshop isn't as strict about participation and absences as he made us think in the syllabus...he told me today that without the extra credit I turned in, I would've gotten a B or B- in the class (which I would have been fine with, since I was anticipating a C). With the extra credit, I'm between an A and an A-! I thought I was past all hope of getting an A, so this made me really happy. My European lit professor (who has annoying given us pop quizzes every time I've missed class) was very generous with his grading of the quiz I thought I failed on Tuesday--he gave me a B. And then yesterday, he was kind enough to give us a seventh quiz so he could drop our lowest quiz grade. So basically I get to swap one of my zeroes for a 90%. That will help so much! If I do really well on the final, I might even get an A-. But I won't get my hopes up...I'll be happy with a B.

In other news, crazy storms in IA C today! The severe thunderstorm warning is only in effect til 2:30 (15 minutes from now) so it's pretty calm at the moment. It's supposed to continue raining all day, though. The worst of it came about an hour ago, as I was walking the four blocks from Prairie Lights to my car. I had an umbrella, but the ridiculous wind blew the rain under it--I was soaked from the waist down. And then it started hailing. Fun stuff to be walking around in...I felt so bad for the students walking around without umbrellas or even hooded jackets. I heard on the radio that there's a tornado watch in effect til 8:00. Jordan's all excited...he likes tornadoes. Gotta love Midwestern springs...

I found a job posted on U of I jobnet...the Iowa City blog is hiring an assistant editor/research assistant. The posting just went up yesterday and I emailed the contact last night...she emailed me back this morning to tell me that the position had been filled. :( I don't know why they bothered to put the ad up if they had already or were about five seconds away from filling the position. She did tell me that I could send them my resume anyway, since they'll need to hire more people in the near future. So I'm gonna do that...but I'm not holding my breath. I really don't expect to find a job that's related to my major. At least not in Iowa City, where there's a thousand other English majors looking for jobs, too. And I'm fine with that.

Okay, I need to start on some homework. The papers for my online classes remain unfinished.../sigh.

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