Friday, July 23, 2010


Taking a break from all the packing...feeling totally burnt out! I would love to relax my whole four day weekend, but that obviously isn't happening. Maybe on Monday... Jordan is zero help right now because he's taking a nap before he has to go to work. Almost done with the bedroom...then all that's left is the kitchen. Which I haven't touched yet. Not looking forward to that. :(

Why did you last visit the doctor? To have a scary mole removed.
What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why? Getting straight As my last and hardest semester of college.
Do you like salt? Yeah...not a ton, though. I don't put it on everything like some people.
Do you think Kurt Cobain was assassinated? I don't know. It's nothing I've ever looked into too deeply.
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? It depends--very heavily--on what they're saying. Most of the time I don't mind, but some things really shouldn't be shared with new acquaintances.
Have you ever regretted what you said in drunken conversation once sober? I don't think so.
Is there anything coming up which you're dreading? All the packing/moving stuff.
Anything you're looking forward to? Being settled into the new place!
Do you ever do tedious tasks just to keep your mind occupied? No. If I wanted to keep my mind occupied, I would do something enjoyable or interesting, not something tedious...
Have you ever lived with somebody with truly repulsive habits? Not repulsive...just highly annoying.
Do you tend to say things because they're appropriate not because you mean them? Not really.
Did you hate it when people patronised you when you were a child? Yeah. Who didn't?
What is a word you hate? Irregardless.
Do you have a favourite childrens book? I can't think of a specific book...if I had all of them in front of me, I bet I could, though. When I was really young, I loved any books with animals--Clifford, Berenstain Bears. I really liked Amelia Bedelia books and Dr. Seuss, too. Around 3rd grade, I was really into Nancy Drew and I loved the book Ella Enchanted. I was all about The Friendship Ring series by Rachel Vail in 5th grade.
Have you ever been in a job where you didn't fit in with your co-workers? Yeah.
Do you need a wee right now? Assuming that "need a wee" means "need to pee," no.
Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you? Um, gunshots maybe?
When did you last eat sweeties? Well, UK survey writer, if sweeties means candy, yesterday. If its a specific food item, never.
What was the last thing to upset you? Realizing that our new apartment does not have a dishwasher...I definitely thought it had one. But no, it doesn't. :(
What was the last thing to make you happy? Orange julius and pretzel bites with Jordan.
Have you ever eaten chocolate for breakfast? Sure.
Do you like balloons? Not really.
Out of the people you know, who's birthday is next? Grant.
Does that person have any plans to celebrate their birthday? He'll probably go out for dinner with Nikcole and/or my parents.
Do you enjoy swimming? Sometimes.
When will you next go to the beach? No idea.
When at the beach do you like to swim in the sea? I've only been to a legit beach one time, and it was too cold to swim.
If you have pet fish do you bother to name them? I don't have pet fish...but if I did, of course I would name them!
Do you like adventure games like Monkey Island and Diskworld? ???
Did you ever read the Terry Pratchet "Disk World" books? No.
If yes to the question above, what are they like?
Have you had to change a nappy lately? No. I've never changed a baby's diaper, that I can recall.
Do you find your batteries always run out right when you need them most? Usually.
Would you like a holiday about now? YES. I miss summer vacations.
What's stopping you from going on holiday right now? Lack of funds.
Do you keep your eggs in the fridge? Yeah, we keep them in the fridge in America. Generally.
Have you ever owned chickens? Nope.
Do you like classical music? Yeah.
When did you last listen to music? I'm listening to music right now.
Have you ever seen "Canibal the Musical"? No.
Are your breasts sore? No, they feel pretty normal...

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