I have two and a half hours before I have to go to work, so I figured now would be a lovely time to blog about how life has been going the past couple weeks...
The move to our new place went very smoothly. Even though all we had to work with was a minivan and a few cars, we got all our stuff moved over in six trips. My parents were their usual much-too-generous selves and bought us a microwave for the kitchen and a table for our dining room. They also stayed up here til about 10:00 helping us unpack and put together furniture. The next day, Jordan and I went to Burlington. I sang and played the piano for church, we had lunch and hung out with my family for a few hours, and then, we finally stole Crosby away from my parents!
Right now, Crosby is doing great. We let him outside every 4-8 hours and the only accident he's had in the last five days is when he peed on our bed during a thunderstorm. Poor dog is terrified of thunderstorms. But the first few days we had him were really rough. Apparently, he had forgotten that peeing inside is not okay, so he just went whenever he felt like it. Even if he had just been outside an hour before. And what drove me so crazy is he wouldn't give us a signal that he had to go. But enough scolding, and he got the message. He's learned that he can hold it for a few hours if he tries and he even cries when he wants to be let out. So proud of my puppy for adjusting so well! He's also doing relatively well with meeting other dogs (though he wasn't a big fan of Jack, sadly. With Jack dashing around our apartment, Crosby was pretty much a grouchy old man grumbling at some young whippersnapper). As far as meeting people, he's pretty hit or miss. It depends on the person, obviously. He responds best to calm, confident people (Cesar Millan is spot on with the whole calm-assertive energy thing). He really likes our neighbor Elsie and her dog Daisy.
As far as the apartment, we love it. Jordan and I both agree that it feels more like home than our last two places. Largely because we don't have any roommates, of course. But it's very cozy. Some things are outdated...for example, we have a window air conditioner, not central air. And the water tastes awful (but that's how it is everywhere in Coralville). The kitchen is tiny, but I don't hate it like I thought I would. It's actually kinda cute. I think I might even love it if there was a dishwasher. Oh well. I'm adjusting. One of the best things--it takes me two minutes to get to work! I love it! And it only takes Jordan about five minutes. Compared to the twenty minute drive to work from our last place, we're saving so much money on gas. Know what else I love? Having our mailbox IN our building. And a laundry room IN our building. The washers and dryer are old, but super cheap (75 cents to wash, 25 cents to dry) and they work really well! So nice after a year dealing with those crappy machines at Keokuk Apartments.
So, our anniversary was on Sunday. We both had to work, so we didn't get to spend much time together. We ate our year-old wedding cake (which, as you can imagine, was horribly freezer burnt. We each took a tiny bite and then threw the rest out) and then split an "ours" size container of Coldstone ice cream. I have this Friday off, so we're going to go out to dinner somewhere. Maybe Blackstone or Brown Bottle. Excited!
Work has been going well. I was finally trained to work on the front lanes and I hated it. Monotonous and fast-paced is not a great combination for me. I much prefer Food Avenue. At Food Ave, there's a huge variety of stuff to do, and there's not an endless stream of people coming at you. I really like having a whole section to myself. As a cashier, you're in this tiny box and the GSA (guest service assistant...stupid Target acronyms) is always hovering in the area, monitoring things. (No one ever monitors you at Food Avenue.) I felt really claustrophobic. So, I'm getting as many Food Avenue hours as I can. Judy told me that she will try to give me four shifts at Food Ave and one short cashiering shift, and that will put me at around 35 hours a week. She also wants to train me to do all the things she does--take inventory, fill out weekly orders for supplies, etc. That way, she might actually be able to take a vacation this year. In her eight years of running Food Ave, she's never had a legit vacation! Then she wants me to be trained in other areas, too, like sales floor. I'm all for that--knowing how to do everything in the store would make me an excellent candidate for a promotion.
Now, because I still have some time to kill (and because this blog isn't quite long enough), here's a survey.
What are you eating? or drinking? Nothing at the moment. Just finished an apple danish and a cup of coffee.
Where are you? At my desk, in the living room.
Who's with you? Crosby.
What are you supposed to be doing? Nothing, really. Too early to get ready for work.
What are you thinking about? Work...and how I hope it's a slow night so I can get my cleaning done early.
Is anything worrying you? What? Not really, surprisingly!
What would you like to be doing? Having another day off. I had yesterday off, and it went by way to fast!
Are you waiting for anyone? No.
Who do you miss? My parents, Katie, Kobie.
Is your hair done? Hah, no.
What are you wearing? Gray shorts and a black Hawkeyes t-shirt.
What color are your nails? Natural.
Whats your sign? Sagittarius.
Your age? 22.
Single? Taken? Married? Married.
Looking or not? That's a no.
Straight? Gay or bi? Straight.
Favorite color? Green.
Favorite singer? Too many.
So do you have any kids? Nope.
Do you live with your parents? No.
Do you have any special talents? Depends on what "special" means. I have talents, but I don't know if any of them would qualify as special.
What religion are you? Christian.
Is the rain better than snow? Depends on if I have to be outside or not! If I don't have to be driving, I like snow better.
Are your bored? No.
Do you think your personality matches your sign? I don't know enough about astrology to know.
What sign is your partner? Taurus.
Do you think you match? I don't know if our signs match or not, but I know that we match as people.
Do you even believe in that? No.
This or That:
Cupcake or muffin? Hard choice! I love both.
Juice or Milk? Juice.
Candy or chocolate? Um, isn't chocolate candy??
Neon colors or light colors? Light.
Pizza or burger? Burger.
A big mansion or you dream car? Big mansion.
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