Can you believe I'm up at 9 AM? Not only am I up, but I've already walked Crosby and been to Starbucks. Oh, caramel latte and blueberry muffin, you put me in such a morning person mood. :)
Jordan and I finally celebrated our anniversary on Monday night. We ended up going to Brown Bottle. It was fabulous! Delicious food, and since it was 5:30 (and a Monday), we pretty much had the place to ourselves. I must mention--I had a fabulous plate of biscotti (with a cup of coffee) for dessert. They didn't tell me the flavors of the biscotti, but as far as I could tell, they were lemon poppy seed, almond, and chocolate hazelnut. So tasty.
We're finally getting our second car! Sometime in the next week...possibly Saturday. I'm so excited. It'll be nice not having to always be worrying about who needs the car. Jordan can work something other than third shift now! And I can work weekend cashier shifts! Not that I want to...but at least I have the option.
Four and a half hours until I have to go to work (yay!). I have every intention of being productive until then. Doing dishes, folding laundry, and writing are all on the agenda. We'll see how that goes. But first, survey addiction demands attention(at least it's a short one!).
what is an article of clothing you like to wear during winter? Hats.
whats a song you could keep on Repeat for hours? Whatever song I've recently become obsessed with. Lately, it's a variety of Glee soundtrack songs and Glitter in the Air by Pink.
whats the best Movie you've seen so far this year? Mmm...I'm not sure. Inception was pretty good. I can't really remember what I saw earlier in the year.
Are you ready to go back to school? No, I'm ready for my year off! Though part of me really misses the back to school process.
do you make a To-do list for everyday? No. I rarely make to-do lists.
what is an unusual animal you wouldn't mind having as a pet? A pig! They seem so sweet as pets.
do you like Museums if so what kind? I haven't been to many...but I do like them. I probably like historical and art museums the best.
whats the most unusual topping you've had on a pizza? I haven't had much unusual pizza in my time. Chicken alfredo at the Olive Garden, I guess.
Ever had the urge to drop something Electrical in water? Yeah...just a passing "I wonder what would happen" impulse. I wouldn't ever actually do it.
what career do you wish to pursue? I want to be a writer. Well, I am a writer...I mean I want to be a published writer, with an income. And also a creative writing teacher.
are you aware of your weaknesses and strengths? if so what are they? I like to think so. I have a lot of both. One of my weaknesses is caring too much what other people think about me. One of my strengths is my good work ethic.
what's the longest you've gone without sleeping? I'm not sure. Probably around thirty hours.
whats the last pair of shoes you worn? Gray and pink flip flops.
what nicknames do you respond to? Ames, Aim, Sissy, and generic terms of endearment (baby, cupcake, sweetie etc).
are you good at word puzzles? I'm okay. Though I don't think I'm as good as people expect me to be. For someone with an English degree, my vocabulary isn't very big.
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