Friday, August 27, 2010


I am SO out of shape.

I just did a super easy workout, and I feel like passing out. Or maybe throwing up. Stretching, bear walking up and down our hall, 10 squat thrusts, 10 lunges, 10 push-ups, 20 crunches...easy, right? Nope. Not when you're using muscles that have been gathering dust for the past four years. Ugh. I feel like crap. But I feel good, too. I'm proud of myself for doing some sort of workout, pitiful as it may be.

It was so easy for me to stay in shape in high school because of P.E. Forty-five minutes, two or three times a week. So, I'm thinking that if I can manage to work out as much as I did back then, I'll be back to a size 3/4 in no time...and will no longer wear myself out walking up a flight of steps. I also need to try to curb my snacking habits. Maybe eat a little less ice cream...or switch it out for frozen yogurt! Oh, and drink more water. Yeah.

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