Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cinnamon spice and everything's nice.

Despite the fact that I have to be at work in a couple hours, I'm having a pretty good day. Enjoying a tasty cup of Dunkin' Donuts cinnamon spice coffee. I don't normally buy this brand because it's expensive...$10 a bag!! But one of my LODs (stands for leader on duty. Silly Target acronyms.) picked me as a "top performer of the month" for September. As a reward, she said she would requisition anything from the store that's around $10. I was going to get something practical like some laundry detergent, lol, but the coffee was calling my name. Such a perfect fall flavor. It makes our apartment smell wonderful. If no one has made a cinnamon-coffee scented candle yet, that needs to happen immediately.

Along with my coffee, I'm enjoying some of my favorite Christmas music via I know, mid-September is too early. I don't care. If I wait til the day after Thanksgiving like I'm supposed to, I only have a month. I love Christmas music too much to only listen to it for one month out of the year. Though I have to admit, it would be more enjoyable if it was at least a bit chilly outside. Oh well.

I got a new book in the mail! The delivery estimate was September 28th, so it was a good surprise to find it in the mail this morning. So happy to have something new to read--I've been rereading novels for the last month or two. It's a collection of short stories by Alix Ohlin, a new favorite author of mine. Sadly, she only has two books--the one I just got, and a novel that I've already read. I really hope she's working on some new stuff.

On a semi-related topic, NaNoWriMo is almost here! Eek! I started brainstorming and outlining a month ago, but now the idea I came up with seems really lame. I'm thinking of winging it. Just start writing, see what happens. It's not like I ever stick to outlines, anyway. Oh, and just to throw this out there, my username on the nanowrimo site is lockedown24. Hehe--love my last name. It's so word-playable.

Some of the stress of Crosby's upcoming surgery has been relieved. The financial stress, at least. My parents said they want to help us with the bill (who didn't see that coming?). More amazingly, Jordan's Grandma Noble called today to say that she is sending us a check for $300! She was so upset for us when she heard about Crosby and wanted to help. I love our families.

Yes, good day.

1 comment:

  1. I share your love of Christmas music. Round about the end of November I bring out all the CD's and old cassette tapes. Going caroling each year with a group of friends is also a delight. Christmas without music would not be Christmas!

    And if you’ll excuse a brief “commercial:” If you don't have a good book on the subject of our Christmas carols, I encourage you to take a look at mine, Discovering the Songs of Christmas. In it, I discuss the history and meaning of 63 carols and Christmas hymns. The book is available through Amazon, or directly from Jebaire Publishing. (Might make a great gift too!)
