I wish I could take a few days off just to clean the apartment. And put all my summer clothes in storage...because that's why there are winter clothes all over our bedroom floor--no room in my dresser for them! Having the apartment so dirty depresses me...I can barely fill my coffee pot with water because of all the dishes in the sink. However, cleaning the apartment before going to work is even more depressing. Jordan's no help at all--he's in a coma after working forty hours in the past four days (that's a lot when his usual work week is about twenty hours). So I'm just going to stay at my desk and try not to notice the ridiculous messes all around me. Yeah.
Excited for Thanksgiving! Unfortunately, we're not going to be able to hit both families this year. Perrian said they were going to try to do an evening get-together so we could make it--my family always has dinner at noon so the family coming from two and three hours away can get home at a decent time. But now Jordan's grandma wants to make her dinner at noon, too. Jordan said we should just stay in Burlington for the day. I feel bad about that...but to be honest, I would rather have to split up for the day and have Jordan in Fruitland while I'm in Burlington than have to miss my family's Thanksgiving. /sigh. I think this will all be easier down the road when we have our own house and kids. Then WE can be the ones hosting the holiday dinners and make both families come to us.
I need to work on my novel. There is NO WAY I'm finishing it this month. I should be halfway done by now and I'm not even one-fourth done! First official NaNoWriMo attempt=big fat failure. The website, taking into account how much I've written so far, says "at this rate you will finish on Feb. 19." lol. Oh well. I'll try again next year. And in the meantime, I'm going to keep writing this novel anyway because I'm enjoying it. My new goal is to make it to 25,000 words, ie the halfway point, by the end of the month. That will still feel like a big accomplishment.
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