Monday, November 22, 2010


I'm proud to say that I've been somewhat productive today--I put away the clean clothes that have been in a heap on the couch for a week and I'm halfway through the four loads of laundry that needed to be done. :) I also decided it was time to banish my spring/summer clothing to my under-the-bed storage container...and replace them with sweaters and long-sleeve t-shirts. Can't live in denial anymore--winter is actually coming.

Know what else is actually coming? Student loan bills. /cry. My first payment is due in three weeks. Looking at how much money I'll be paying back, roughly over the next decade, is pretty shocking. And I only went to a university...for just two years. I can't imagine what alumni of four-year private schools have to deal with. Yes, I think my education was worth it, in spite of my current mediocre job...but how can a good education be so expensive? It's depressing. Jordan and I should probably start saving for our kids' college funds now. Twenty years early doesn't seem crazy at all.

On an unrelated (and happier) note, I just discovered that we live right next to a Zio Johno's! It's by Hobby Lobby and Hy-Vee, and I noticed it for the first time last night. For some reason, they don't acknowledge this location on their website, but it's definitely there. So excited--they have such tasty, inexpensive pasta. I might have to pick up some spaghetti for supper.

Now, because of my trip to Burlington on Friday and how crazy work was this weekend, I haven't gotten any writing done for several days. So, continuing the productive streak, I'm going to go work on that.

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