Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I had a GREAT Christmas. I'm so sad that it's over! I feel like I don't have much to look forward to now. The coming months are full of cold, horrible winter and the monotony of work. Blah. I can't wait for warm weather to return. Jordan and I are talking about taking a mini vacation to Six Flags this summer, which would be amazing...but that seems sooo far away. :(

But back to Christmas. Even though Jordan wasn't able to come to Burlington with me, and even though I was stuck in a ditch outside of Mount Pleasant for an hour because of the snow storm (it took me a full four hours to make it from Coralville to Burlington), it was still a fabulous weekend. I love my family. As usual, I came home with a mountain of gifts. Among my favorites were an end table (yay, furniture! No more using our stools as tables in the living room), the DVD of Pride and Prejudice (one of my favorites...it's kind of shocking that I didn't already own it, really), and some Clinique Happy perfume. I also got a cute donut hole maker from Grant and Nikcole...tried it out today, and it works surprisingly well.

I am feeling seriously burnt out on work lately. And I haven't even been working that much! I've had a ton of days off this past month. It seems that the more time I get to spend away from work, the less I want to go back. It's strange, because as I've said in the past, I don't dislike my job. Once I get there, I'm okay with it. I just dread going. I don't know if it's that I want to be doing something else or that I don't want to be doing anything. I would be so happy to stay home, writing and doing housework all day. But that's not at all feasible, obviously. Even switching jobs would be stupid at this point, since there are so few options out there and I have a raise coming in four months. So I guess I better stop complaining and start getting ready for work.

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