Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm so excited that I'm not working a double shift tomorrow!! Aside from the Saturday I asked off a few weeks ago for Wicked, I can't remember the last time I wasn't scheduled for a double. Sleeping in on a Saturday sounds excited. :)

IN YOUR SENIOR YEAR DID YOU... [Assuming that "senior year" means "senior year of high school"]

1. Did you date someone from your school? Nope.

2. Did you marry someone from your high school? No.

3. Did you car pool to school? Just with my brother...

4. What kind of car did you have? 99 Mercury Mystique

5. What kind of car do you have now? Same one.

6. Its Friday night...where are you now? Usually staying in--homework, TV, relaxing, WoW, etc.

7. It is Friday night...where were you then? Working at the Great Wall!

8. What kind of job did you have in high school? A fun one...serving and sometimes hostessing at the Great Wall.

9. What kind of job do you do now? A similar job, but less fun...hostessing at Applebees

10. Were you a party animal? Not at all.

11. Were you considered a flirt? Nah.

12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Band and choir. Kinda miss that...

13. Were you a nerd? Lil bit, lol.

14. Did you get suspended or expelled? Nope.

15. Can you sing the fight song? I can't remember it right now...maybe if I thought about it for a while.

16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)? My senior year...? Mr. Adams, Mrs. Schnellbacher.

17. Where did you sit during lunch? Whatever restaurant I was at or in my car...I never at at school.

18. What was your school's full name? West Burlington Arnold Junior Senior High School

19. When did you graduate? 2006

20. What was your school mascot? Falcon

21. If you could go back and do it again, what would you do? I wouldn't want to go back.

22. Did you have fun at Prom? Yeah. More before prom than actually at the date only danced with me for about a collective two minutes.

23. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with? Not in the past year. He stopped calling to talk after he found out Jordan and I were engaged.

24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion? No.

25. Do you still talk to people from school? Carissa's pretty much the only one I talk to regularly.

26. School Colors? Green Or white? Maybe just green.

27. What celebrities came from your high school? None that I'm aware of...

Who was your first friend? Are you still friends?
Tasha Watts is the first friend I can remember...although I'm sure I had friends before I was five. And we're not really friends anymore--just through facebook, lol.

As a child, what did you aspire to be as an adult? Are you?
A writer. Well, not a published one...maybe in the next few years.

How many former girl/boy friends have you had?

One night stands. Yes or No?

Are you trustworthy?

Who did you last say "I love you" to?

Does your belly button smell?

Do you eat your toenails?

Do you eat your ear wax?
Gross questions do not amuse me...

Have you ever eaten snot?

Where were you on 9/11/01?
In school.

Did anyone you know perish in the attacks?

Are you married? If not, do you ever want to get married? If yes, did you marry the right person?
Yes. He's definitely the right person for me.

What are you going to wear tomorrow?
Black pants and shirt for work...other than that, I have no idea. Probably sweats before I have to go to work.

What is your favorite band? Why?
Band as opposed to singer? Probably Relient K

Has anyone ever called you a "poser"?
Don't believe so.

What is the worst thing you have ever had to recover from?
I'm not sure.

Is there any person in your life that you did not date, but wish you had?

Do you still talk to that person?

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