Oh, this silly hour break I have between classes...not enough time to get anything done. Except eat [a late] lunch...and maybe fill out a survey?
Do you secretly like to go grocery shopping? Sometimes--if the store isn't busy and if I'm not shopping on a budget.
What wild animal would you love to have as a pet? A squirrel.
What brand name do you think if just way over the top expensive? I don't pay much attention to brand names, so I'm not sure.
What's your favourite magazine to read, if you read them at all? I don't read magazines anymore...when I was little, I had an American Girl subscription and when I was a teenager, I had a Brio subscription.
Do you find it hard to concentrate in really loud places? Usually.
Do you tend to get more sleep on the weekends than during the week? Not really. I sleep in on Saturday, but that gets canceled out because I'm up all night doing homework every Sunday.
Breakfast; yay or nay? I love it but hardly ever have it.
What's you opinion on Tiger Woods, after all that he's done? I wasn't too concerned with him before and I'm not too concerned with him now.
Do you feel the media can be too harsh on people? Yeah.
Are you comfortable talking to strangers? To an extent.
What's the most creepy experience you've ever had? Ha, I'm not sure.
What's the most boring game to exist? Why do you dislike it so much? I really dislike Monopoly...it's slow paced and it takes forever. The only thing entertaining about that game to me is the cute pieces.
Do you lie about not having extra pens, so you don't have to lend them? Haha, no. But I usually don't have extra pens/pencils.
Do you think the world is really going to end in 2012? No.
^ Have you seen the movie 2012? What's your opinion on it? I didn't see it.
Yay, you're going out on a date! What do you wear? Since our dates are never super fancy, a semi dressy shirt and dark jeans.
What's the last movie you saw in theatre? Was it good? Avatar. I liked it. As unoriginal as the storyline was, it was really beautiful.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A writer. At times, I also wanted to be a singer and a cake decorator.
On average, how long would you say you're on the computer per week? A lot. 20 to 30 hours. Mostly for homework.
Do you like your music loud? No.
if you had to lose one of your five senses, which would it be? Smell.
Would you rather have no computer or no cellphone for a week? No cellphone.
What's you favourite thing to have for dessert? Tiramisu.
Do you tend to straighten or curl your hair more? With short hair, I straighten it more...but I hardly ever, because that flattens the little volume that I have.
What's your favourite summer sport? I don't have one.
Can you dance, or do you just completely fail at it? I fail.
What's your favourite YouTube video? What's it about? I don't have a favorite...but I like cute ones, with animals.
Do you get nervous when you're about to get a haircut? Not at all.
Choose one: Hanging out at the beach, or playing some winter sports? Beach.
Do you believe everything happens for a reason? For the most part.
What's the coolest place that you ever been too? What'd you do there? Cedar Point. Rode some of the best roller coasters in the world and spent way too much money on tasty amusement park food.
Don't infomercials make you laugh? What's your favourite? Yeah. SlapChop and Snuggie are both pretty hilarious.
Oh look, a shooting star! What's your wish? Is a million dollars to much to ask for?
When you were a kid, weren't I Spy books the coolest thing ever? Not quite...but they were pretty cool.
What do you do to pass the time when you're waiting for something? Fill out a survey, get on facebook, or play the keyboard. If I'm out in public, I read, if I have a book...or just wait.
What radio station do you listen to most? 96.5
Whenever you take pictures, do they always end up posted on Facebook? Most of the time.
What's the background on your computer right now? A collage of cute bunny pictures :)
Do you want to do something to make a difference in the world? Yes, though I'm not sure what yet.
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