Today, I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a book TO READ FOR FUN. And I got my haircut, in the middle of the afternoon. And I lost track of time because I had no reason to keep looking at a clock. I love being on break. :)
So, all my final exams, papers, and projects went well enough. I think. I don't know about that last one...(the one I hated so much that I had to blog about it). But I already know that I got an A- for my playwriting seminar and an A for my fiction writing class. Still waiting on the rest of my grades. I'm not really sure what to expect...I'm pretty confident I'll get an A in one of them, but the other two could go either way--A or B. I'm not too worried about it...just as long as my GPA stays at or above 3.5, I'm happy.
On Friday, Jordan and I are going to see a potential apartment for next year. I'm so excited! My hopes are very high. These apartments have just about everything we want--they're in Coralville (closer to Jordan's job), the rent is in our price range (plus hot water and heat are included), and they allow dogs! There's a swimming pool, too...definitely a bonus. If we get there and they're super crappy and rundown...I'm going to be really sad. Hopefully they're as great as they sound and we love them.
You know, I think I've been really good about not throwing so many surveys up here. It's been at least two I'm sure you'll forgive me for this one. It's pretty short, anyway.
How old will you be in 4 months? 22.
Have you ever felt betrayed? Yeah.
How long have you been friends with your best friend? Over a decade.
Do you think you're dependable? Yes.
Are you single? Nope.
If not, what is your significant others name? Jordan.
Are you happy? Yes.
Why did you cry the last time you cried? I was very upset about locking my keys in the car and having to walk home from Hy-Vee in the middle of the blizzard.
Has anything exciting happened today? Not particularly...though I got pretty excited about scheduling the apartment showing for Friday.
Team Edward or team Jacob? lol...Jacob.
Do you even like twilight? It's okay. I liked the movies...I've never read the books. I've heard good and bad things about them. According to Stephen King, Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn, lol.
Where you single on your last birthday? Nope.
What color is your digital camera, if you have one? Blue.
What grade are you in? Senior in college.
What did you do yesterday? Finished my paper, went to my last class, walked Jack and Suki, took a nap from noon to five, then watched TV and drank wine most of the night.
Who did you last hang out with? Jordan, if he counts.
Would you rather shower at night or in the morning? Morning.
What are you wearing at the moment? Jeans, pink tank top, tan cardigan.
How did you and your best friend meet? School.
Do you always reply to texts? Not always. Sometimes it isn't necessary.
Who last made you laugh? Jordan.
What is the last movie you watched in theaters? New Moon.
Who did you watch it with? Jordan.
What are your plans for tomorrow? I'm working in the morning. Nothing planned for the evening...probably going to do laundry.
Would you rather go out or stay in? Stay in.
Two best friends or a big group of friends? Two best friends.
How much time do you spend on the internet? A couple hours a day. Though that might go up quite a bit now that I'm on break.
What is your favorite movie right now? I'm bad with favorites. I'm not sure.
Would you rather be funny or serious? Depends on who I'm with.
Do you hate when people typ lyk dis? Yes.
Or lIkE ThIs? YES. The alternate lower and upper case letters is the worst...what a waste of time, typing everything like that! And it's harder to read, too!
What is the last book you read? Middlemarch by George Eliot.
What color is your hairbrush? Grayish.
What is the last thing you ate? Meatball marinara sub from Subway.
Can you drive? Yeah.
If so, have you ever been in an accident? Only as a passenger.
Do you tan? No.
Are you fingernails painted? No. I hate painting my fingernails.
Is anyone else in the room you're in? Yeah, Jordan.
How many people live with you? Three.
What is your least favorite color? I'm not sure...probably purple, though I really like certain shades of it.
What color shirt are you wearing? Already covered this.
Where is your dad? In Burlington, I think.
Do you have any siblings? Yes.
What are you listening to? My woodwick candle crackling :)
What time is it? 5:15
Did you like this survey? Sure.
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