Sunday, January 31, 2010

Go away, one wants you here.

I am so ready to be done with school. How can I feel so burnt out two weeks into the semester? Ugh. I'm sick of forcing creativity for assignments that I have no interest in. Three and a half months to go. :(

Would you consider yourself poor? Right now, yeah. We're on our way out of a mini financial crisis.
Do you have a job? Yeah.
Do you have more than 5 dollars on you right now? Yes. I picked up my tip share today.
Are you greedy with your money? No.
Do you like shopping for other people? Yes.

Who are the people in your immediate family? My parents, my two brothers, my sister-in-law, my husband.
Are you estranged from anyone in your family? No.
Who are you the least likely to give a kidney to? I wouldn't deny anyone a kidney if they needed it and I could give it to them...that would be awful.
Do you get an allowance? No.
Are you an aunt/uncle? Yeah, by marriage.
Do you have family parties? No, more like "gatherings." Though we call them parties sometimes.

Who are/is your best friend(s)? Carissa and Katie.
Do you like your school? Not so much right now...
What do you remember most about middle school? Eating lunch with Stephanie, Stephanie, Jami, and Amy.
Do you get detentions? I got one in third grade and one in high school...
Who was your best friend in 8th grade? I think it was still Krystal, though we were in the process of growing apart.
What class are you? High school-06. College-10.
Do you have a class ring? No.
Who's house are you at most? Carissa and Brian's, I guess.
Have you ever been on vacation with a friend? Not a full-blown vacation.
When is your last day of school this year? Finals end on May 14.
Who do you talk to most in 4th period? n/a.
What time do you get out of school? Depends on the day.
Have you ever taken a computer class? I think I took one of some form in junior high.

What is your favorite TV show? Chopped and just about anything else on the Food Network, The Office, Friends...
What is the last band tee that you've bought? The only band tees I own are from marching band.
Do you like Guitar Hero? I've only played it once, so I don't have much of an opinion.
Would you date anyone younger than you? I have in the past...didn't bother me.
What is your maternal grandmother's first name? Your paternal grandfather? Barbara. William. Classic born-in-the-early-20th-century names.
Does your school issue planners to you? No. I recall that WB did, though.
Do you watch Mythbusters? I think I've seen it a couple times.
What is the Southernmost state that you've been to? Florida.
Have you ever kayaked? Nope.
Do you like the outdoors? Yes.
Do you own any dogs? Names, breed...? My family has two dogs--Kobie, an Alaskan malamute; Crosby, a yorkie/shih-tzu mix.
Can you type fast? Why do surveys always ask this question?
Do you sleep with the TV on? No.
Do you eat breakfast? Rarely.
DO you like college ruled or wide ruled notebooks? Wide ruled.
Would you rather write with a pen or a pencil? Pencil...I make a lot of mistakes and would rather erase them than scribble over them.
Do you need to shower? Not at the moment.
Do you have straight or curly hair? Straight.
What is your oldest sister's name? Who said I had a sister?
Do you own a cell phone? Yeah.
Do you think Mike Rowe is sexy? Don't know who that is.
Would you eat a cricket for $1,000? If it would get me $1000, I think I'd have to force it down.
Have you ever breathed in helium? Yeah.
What is the elemental name for gold? ...It has a name other than "gold"? Perhaps you mean it's symbol?
Do you like gold or silver better? Silver.
Do you own an iPod? Yeah, a cute pink nano.
What is your favorite color? Green.
What is your mom's name? Toni.
How old was your mom when she had you? 25.
Do you like cottage cheese? Yeah, in moderation.
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? ...
Would you buy a CD from Britney Spears? No.
Do you like Mad-Libs? They're mildly entertaining.
Would you date Tori Belleci? No, though I don't know who that is.
What color is your home phone? I don't have one.
Have you ever been to Europe? Nope.
Which is worse, Geometry or Algebra? Geometry.
Do you love Music? Yes.
Do you use Photobucket? I have one, but I don't use it.
LAST QUESTION>>>> Where are you going on your next vacation? We don't have any vacation plans. If we take one, it won't be until after my graduation.

Okay...back to homework. Wow, just typing that puts me in a bad mood. I need a latte.

Friday, January 29, 2010

What was I thinking?

WHY did I sign up for an advanced essay workshop? Such a bad, bad idea... I am freaking out. I didn't know that we would have so little's just "write an essay! And it better be fantastic!" I have no idea what I'm going to write about. I think the best essayists are not just great writers, but very opinionated. You know, the kind of people that have strong beliefs and enjoy sharing/ranting about them. Like my husband. I, on the other hand, am usually too timid to be controversial. I'm thinking of taking the easy way out (well, what would be the easy way out for me) and writing about a piece of literature. But I don't know how well that would work out. I'd sort of like to write about music because I'm passionate about it, but I don't know what about it, in particular. /sigh. I just need to brainstorm for a few more days. We start workshopping next week, but my turn isn't until the 23rd (thankfully I happened to be on the right side of the room when we signed up for time slots). Eleven people are going before, so hopefully hearing other people's essays will spark some inspiration.

I should go to bed. I worked a double today and I work another one sleep would be a good thing. Applebees is giving me way too many shifts lately...I ask for three per week and they give me five because they're so short on hosts right now. Grr. I'll have to quit if they keep piling extra shifts on me like this. Maybe I'll work up the courage to say that to my manager tomorrow... Well, totally not in the mood to sleep...but I guess I should give it a shot.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here we go again.

After a crappy day, listening to music and filling out a pointless survey feels very therapeutic to that's what I'm going to do.

So do you think Justin Bieber will make it big? I have no idea.
As a kid did you watch Sesame street? Now and then. I was really into Muppet Babies, though. And Eureka's Castle.
What emotions are going through your head? Anxiety and frustration.
When was the last time you ate an otter pop? I'm not sure if I ever have...
Who's the biggest inspiration to you? My parents.
Have you eve loved someone but were too scared to come out and say it? Nope.
Ever gotten high? No.
If you were pregnant with a boy what would you name him? I dunno. All the names I like are too I would pore over baby books until I found a unique name that we both like.
What about if you were pregnant with a girl? Same deal. Jordan and I both like Zoe, though, which isn't crazy popular right now.
Do you think the economy is down? I think it has issues...but I don't know much about them.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? What a stupid question. Since I'm married and only kiss my husband, I know it won't be. But if I was single, how would I have any way of knowing? Mistakes aren't planned or premeditated...that's kinda what makes them mistakes, isn't it?
Whats the best kind of soda? I love cranberry sierra mist. But they only have it around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Do you obsess over labels? Not at all.
Have you ever been to Disneyland? Nope. Maybe someday.
What are you looking forward to? Graduating. Moving to our new apartment.
If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? It'd be nice to have ears that don't stick out a mile.
Have you ever gave money to a hobo? How much? Yeah. Pocket change, or a few dollars.
Who do you trust? My husband, my family, my friends.
Whens the last time you wore a dress or a suit? Saturday.
Are you the kind of person who finds reading fun? Yes.
Do you like elephants? Not anymore than other big wild animals.
Do you have an annoying laugh? I don't think so. No one has ever told me if I do...
Do you like that song by The Strokes? I don't know what you're referring to.
When was the last time you played Guitar Hero? I think it was my freshman year of college.
Do you pre-order video games? No.
When was the last time you washed your hair? This morning.
Who is the closest other person to you? Jordan.
Does PDA bother you? It can get to that point. French kissing in public is generally gross to me...or blatant groping.
Can you name a song by Stevie Ray Vaughan? Nope.
What color is your hair, naturally? Brown.
Do you own any makeup from Victoria's Sceret? Some lip gloss, somewhere.
Who was the last person that said "hello" to you? Guests coming into Applebees.
Do you know anyone with the last name Little? No.
When was the last time you drove? A few hours ago.
Have you ever failed a drivers test? No. Unless the written test I had to take for my permit counts.
Can you do a perfect cartwheel? No. I don't think I can even do a bad cartwheel.
Do you know anyone who has gained A LOT of weight? Yeah.
What was the last song you listened to? Braille by Regina Spektor.
Do you have a channel on YouTube? No.
If you keep tabs, what is the second most visited website on your computer? Yahoomail.
Can you whistle with your fingers in your mouth? No.
Have you ever tasted Carl's Jr. Portobello Mushroom Burger? No.
Anyways, do you know anyone who became famous? Not personally.
Are you planning on going anywhere tonight? Nope.
What did you do on Labor Day weekend? I don't remember doing anything in particular. I think I might have been working.
Does screamo music scare/disgust you? I don't know if I'd go that far...I just plain don't like it.
Do you know anyone who lies about their race to seem more interesting? No.
When was the last time you cracked your knuckles? Sometime today, I'm sure.
Are you that type of person that is constantly touching their hair? Yeah, but usually just to make sure my ears aren't sticking out. I look like an elf when they do that.
What time is it currently on your computer clock? 5:46.
Do you know anyone from Ireland? Not personally.
When was the last time you had ice cream? A couple weeks ago.
Do you have more than on best friend? Yeah.
What was the last glass object you touched? Probably a drinking glass.
Can you type really fast? It depends on what "really fast" is. I can type faster than most people.
Do you like to go shopping? Yeah, but not for long. I get tired after an hour or two.
Can you do any cheerleading tumble tricks? No.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm a bad student.

I'm being a bad student and skipping my first class today because it's too cold and windy out. The wind chill is 7 below zero...come on! Besides, this is my easy 19th century lit class with the nice professor that gives us four free unexcused absences. I'm going to go to my next class at 5:30, the scary essay workshop, because I have a writing exercise to turn in. So now I have three lovely hours to relax, actually eat lunch for once, and get ahead on homework. And I really need to get ahead, since I'm working double shifts on Friday and Saturday.../sigh.

In other news, I got a new haircut! It's just a few inches shorter with short, choppy layers. It's very cute when straightened...not so cute when it isn't. So I'm getting up five minutes earlier from now on to straighten my hair every morning. Every morning when I have to go out in public, at least.

My classes are going pretty well. As I predicted, the essay workshop is going to be the toughest...though my online class on human memory is a close second. Classical Mythology and 19th century lit are both going to be super easy, but there's quite a bit of reading in both. The latter has a great reading list with several books I've always wanted to read--we're starting Pride and Prejudice on Thursday! My fiction seminar is going to be challenging, but fun. I love the TA. To my surprise, she's only asking for two short stories, and only one story will get workshopped in class. The rest of the assignments will be short writing exercises. Anyway...time to justify skipping class by getting a head start on Pride and Prejudice. Pfft, whose a bad student? Not me...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Saturday!

It feels good to have a Saturday off work, for once. Gotta love sleeping in on a Saturday. Oh wait...I'm not sleeping in, am I? How odd.

I was up til the wee hours of the morning playing WoW...Jordan jumped servers again, so I started a gnome mage on the new server. I'll probably never get on to continue leveling it, but I was in the mood/had time to play last night. Anyway, it was after 4:00 when I finally fell asleep. Jordan came to bed a little before 9:00, which woke me up...and I just couldn't fall back to sleep. So I'm up. I'll probably feel like crap in a few hours and will need to take a nap...but in the meantime, I'm going to get some homework done and clean up the apartment a bit. We're having all kinds of people coming by today. Bob will be here in a few hours to try to fix our car (the brake lights won't turn off...) and to give Jordan a crash course in tax stuff. Then Bryant's family is coming to see the apartment then take him out for dinner...and then Katie and Jon are coming by before we head out to Blackstone for Carissa and Brian's pseudo engagement party (excited!). With all these people dropping by, I definitely want the apartment to look less like crap.

Well, I got through my first week of classes. It doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment because I haven't been to my fiction writing seminar yet (that's on Mondays, and classes started on Tuesday). I'm anxious to see how it will compare to the playwriting seminar I took in terms of how many projects I'll be doing/how demanding it will be. Even though fiction is my favorite genre to write, part of me would have liked taking the playwriting seminar was so fun and I loved my TA. Not to mention I can write a play in half the time that I can write a short story. Oh well...I'm sure I'll do fine in the fiction seminar, as long as I don't try to do all the work the night before. That's so uncalled for when a class only meets once a week, anyway. My main concern is my essay's very intimidating. Not because I don't think I can write a good essay (though it certainly isn't my strong suit)...but because I'm so bad at speaking up in class. I blush whenever I's like a reflex. Then I get flustered and forget my train of thought...then blush more because I feel embarrassed. It's horrible. But I'm just going to have to suck it up if I want a good participation grade! I'm giving myself a goal: to make at least one comment in every class. If I can manage that, I'll feel really good about myself. I'll still seem relatively shy, but not the irritating why-doesn't-she-ever-say-a-word kind of shy.

Okay, time to make some coffee and start being productive.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Positivity time!

It's about time for some positivity, eh?

It occurred to me last night how blessed Jordan and I are. Yes, we had a stressful week or two...but in the last two days, we found out that we're getting the apartment we want, my scary mole was nothing to worry about, and we were approved for IowaCare--and with no monthly premium. So we're getting free, albeit limited, health care. On top of this, we both have wonderful parents that would do anything for us, we have steady jobs, and we have each other. Our life is pretty fantastic! Shame on me for complaining about it so much.

It's also survey time. :)

When was the last time you held a puppy? Last week.
What kind of operating system does your computer have? Windows Vista
Who was the last person to make you genuinely smile? Jordan.
Are you good at telling when people are lying to you? Not really, unless they're bad liars.
Last time you slept out on a couch? Sometime last month, when I stayed at Carissa's while Brian was out of town.
Was the person that last slept over at your house a boy or girl? A boy.
Who's name first comes to mind that starts with the letter "P"? Paul.
Would you say that your 2010 is starting off well? Yeah, for the most part.
Do you have any kind of jewelry on at the moment? My engagement ring and wedding band.
Would you say you use "lol" too often? No.
Which is better, facebook or myspace? Facebook.
Are you more of a dog person or cat person? Dog person.
Have you ever felt an earthquake? Not that I can recall.
When was the last time you vacuumed a room? A couple weeks ago, after I took our Christmas tree down.
What was the last concert you were at? Mark Schultz and Point of Grace in Burlington.
What kind of pants do you have on? My Adidas sweatpants that I've had since junior high.
You can only shop at one store for the rest of your life, what store is it? Target. A Super Target, with a big grocery section.
Why is your lucky number your lucky number? I don't have a "lucky" number.
What is the last meat product you ate? Salmon, if that counts as a "meat product."
Have you ever donated to a cause? Yeah.
Would you say you're a generally well liked person? Sure.
How many pets currently live in your house hold? None.
What's something you'd like but you can't afford? Another car.
How many of hours of sleep do you get a night? Anywhere between six and ten.
Pepsi Vs Cola - What's your choice? Pepsi.
Are you watching TV right now? If so - what's on? Nope.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Buying books sucks.

Buying books is definitely one of the worst things about being a student. They're so overpriced...and so hard to track down, too. I love that I can use my student ID card as a pseudo credit card, to buy my books now and pay for them later. I hate that I can only do that at the U of I's bookstore because they don't carry all the books that I need. Grr. So I bought one book today. I'm just going to wait til my student loan refund comes to buy the rest.

Now for some GOOD NEWS: my mole was benign. (We assumed it would be, since they said there was only a 2% chance it wasn't, but any possibility is still scary.) So that was relieving. AND Jordan and I were approved by Valley Forge. Yay! The approval came at a semi-bad time...we have to pay the deposit ASAP, which is why I couldn't afford to buy all my books today. Nonetheless, I'm really excited! It's hard to believe that we're really going to have Crosby with us again. I wish we could move now.

I'm so annoyed with of the managers misplaced my new availability form, so when a different manager made the schedule, she scheduled me according to my old availability. (This sort of thing is bound to happen when you have four managers.) They apologized and said that it would be fixed by the following schedule...but it was too late to change next week's. I found someone to cover one of the three shifts, but there's no one who can cover the other two. So I'm going to work until 1:30 at the absolute latest on those days, then drive straight downtown so I can get to my class by 2:30. Ugh.

Wow. I just listened to a recording my mom sent me of Grant playing a Chopin nocturne for a recital last semester...and it's incredible. I can't imagine being able to play like that! My brothers are so stinking talented, it amazes me that we're related sometimes, lol. Okay, I'm off to make supper.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Uh oh.

Wow...remember back in the summer, when I thought my classes all sounded so scary? Pretty sure this semester is going to be ten times scarier. The syllabuses for three of my five classes are up on ICON, and I am super intimidated. I already know it's going to be a huge challenge to stay on top of my online classes. They are WAY more demanding than the two I took last semester...quizzes every week, multiple papers and essays...yikes. And my advanced essay writing workshop...oh boy. We're only graded on four things: two workshop essays (each worth 20%), a final project (30%), and class participation (30%). So, failure at any of these is not an option. And if that's not scary enough, there are no free absences. I'm actually going to have to attempt perfect attendance for once. :( I guess it's fitting that my last semester as an undergrad will be the most challenging...I just hope it goes by as fast as the fall semester did.

This has been a rather stressful week for me. I've screwed up my work schedule multiple times by asking for the wrong day off or not putting a request in early enough. (Luckily, the manager that handles the schedule likes me and has fixed most of the problems I've caused.) Then on top of the mole removal and waiting for a call from the hospital/waiting to find out if we get an apartment at Valley Forge/waiting to find out if we get approved for IowaCare (yep, getting pretty sick of waiting), I got in my first car accident on Sunday. My wheels/brakes locked up on the un-plowed road outside the mall and I slid into another car. The guy I hit was actually quite nice, especially once he saw how frazzled I was. And I was very frazzled. No one ever tells you what to do if you hit someone. I'm glad he knew what information to get from me, because I was pretty much clueless and just handed him all the insurance-related crap I could find in my glove compartment. Ugh. Well, my insurance company is covering up to $1500 in damages to his car, so hopefully that's enough.

Hmm...sorry for all the negativity. Something positive: I stopped drinking pop! And I'm trying to eat healthier. All the Christmas candy is semi-sabotaging me, so I'm trying to get Jordan to eat more of it, lol. There's a bag of spinach in my fridge...and I'm actually eating it! And having salmon and rice several times a week (definitely healthier than our usual hamburger helper and chicken alfredo). This wasn't an intentional New Year's resolution...I just realized that I've been gaining weight, and felt motivated to stop. It's not that I think I'm fat or anything, I just want to be healthier. And I would be really sad if I stopped fitting into my favorite jeans that I've only had for a few months! Okay...enough blogging for now.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Meh again.

I'm in such a crappy mood! I miss Jordan. :( I hate when our schedules clash like this--when we're actually home together, he's sleeping from having worked third shift the night before. I didn't get home from work til 10:40 and he worked at I literally saw him for ten seconds before he left. In addition to that, the spot where my mole was is really gross. There's an actual crater-esque hole there...and it leaks pus so I have to keep cleaning it out with a q-tip and hydrogen peroxide. It's quite disgusting. And I won't even go into how anxious I am about getting the test results from the biopsy. BAD MOOD. /sigh.

I think that's enough complaining for now, eh? Time for a survey to take my mind of things.

What's your favorite cereal? honey bunches of oats
Do you like standing in front of fires? Yes
What's the geekiest game you're involved with? World of Warcraft
In the club, would you rather them play techno or hip-hop? Techno
What age do you want kids? 24 or 25. Wow, that's only a few years away...scary.
Do you watch those judge shows? "Judge shows"? Like Judge Judy? No.
Is Taylor Lautner REALLY all that good-looking? Eh. He's cute and he's in great shape...I'll give him that.
Have you met anyone famous? Not really.
What are you drinking right now? Coffee.
Has this school year gone by fast for you so far? Very...halfway done already.
Have you been outside the country? (Where?) Nope.
Doesn't it suck that BBQ Cheez-Its and smoothie Skittles are gone? I never knew those things existed.
Do you have that kind of teacher who's super laid back and cool? I have had a few teachers like that, yes.
What time is it? 12:26.
Can you watch R-rated movies by yourself? Yeah.
Have you ever snuck into a movie? Nope.
Are you going to see Toy Story 3, even at your mature age? Probably not in theaters. I'm sure I'll rent it when it comes out, though.
(Toy Story's bad ass, of course you're gonna see it.) How old are you? 22
Do you have a pet? Yeah, two dogs.
Did Cloverfield make you motion-sick? I didn't see it.
Were you part of that super small minority who voted for Kris Allen? I had to google him to find out that you were referring to American Idol. I stopped watching it after the season when Jordin Sparks one.
Are you a homophobe? No.
Could you be a vegetarian for any extended period of time? Yeah. I don't eat very much meat, anyway.
Do you wear contacts? Yeah.
What's your favorite color? Green.
Do you listen to sad songs when you're sad or happy songs to cheer you up? Kind of depends on why I'm sad. I usually do listen to sad songs, though.
Are you a fan of seafood? No. I like fish--salmon, trout, tuna, etc...but don't like shellfish or shrimp or anything like that.
Can you imitate accents? Yeah. Not especially well, though.
Have you been to the Seattle space needle? No.
What do you think of the heels-and-skinny-jeans look? Looks good on skinny girls. I like it way better than the converse-and-skinny-jeans look, that's for sure.
Do you use Youtube to listen to music? No, Using it right now. :)
Are you a rain person? Generally.
Which side of the brain do you use? (Left- English etc., right- math, etc.) Definitely more of the left.
Which of the Pirates of the Carribeans was your favorite? The first one.
Wasn't the last Harry Potter unusually awful? No, I didn't think so.
Are you counting down the days for anything? Yes, graduation. Well, I'm not literally counting the days...but you know what I mean.
Gatorade or Powerade? Don't really care. I like both.
What's the worst smell in the world? I'm sure I haven't smelled the worst smell in the world. As far as what I have smelled, probably vomit...or spoiled meat.
What did/are you going to have for dinner tonight? I had some rice, a salad, and a slice of banana bread before I left for work. I guess that was supper.
Do you live on a lot of acreage? No...
What's your favorite passtime? Reading and writing. Though I've been lazy lately and have been watching a lot of TV.
When do you graduate? In May. Can't wait!
Do you think the world's gonna end December 21st, 2012? No.
Are you going to see the movie? No.
What're your Thanksgiving plans this year? We haven't nailed down any plans, since that's eleven months away...but we'll probably have an early lunch with my family and a later dinner with Jordan's family, as usual.
Do you still blow out candles on your birthday cake? It's been a few years since I've had a birthday cake.
Have you ever genuinely used the word "indeed?" Not really. I've used it plenty of times, but it's always somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
Did you ever think root beer was real beer as a young 'un? No.
Last book you read? Currently reading Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. Last book I completed was Middlemarch by George Eliot.
Are you into gorey movies like Saw? Or is that just grotesque? Definitely not.
Do you use Google as your spell check? No.
When was the last time you cut your nails? A couple weeks ago.
Do you listen to Miley Cyrus's songs even though you hate her? Not on purpose...just on the radio.
What's your favorite number? 24
Who's your second period teacher? I don't have "periods"
What time does your school get out? n/a
Do you have late start days? No, colleges don't do that, as far as I know.
Last inbox message you received? (Facebook, text, Myspace, doesn't matter.) "Don't worry 2 much! will be ok!" from Perrian
What's your homepage? Google
How tall are you? 5'5" ish
Do you tan or sunburn easier? Burn pretty easily.
What WOULDN'T you ever name your children? Amy or Jordan, for one. I really don't like when people do that. And I wouldn't want to name them anything super popular.
Do you care about Hollywood gossip? No.
What's your ringtone? I dunno. Nothing fun or recognizable...just something that came with the phone.
What would you save if your house was on fire? My computer. So many poems/stories/etc on here that would be lost forever.
What movie is guaranteed to make you cry? There isn't one. I don't really cry during movies, unless I'm in a certain mood and which case, almost any movie is bound to make me cry.
Do you get up when your alarm rings or do that "five more minutes" routine? I hit the snooze at least three times every morning. Then turn it off completely and fall back asleep...and wake up with barely enough time to get ready.
Is your toothbrush manual or electric? Manual.
Do your vampires sparkle & be sissies or rip people to shreds? lol, someone doesn't like Twilight... And I don't care. Both types should be allowed to peacefully exist in the wonderful world of fiction.
Do/did you follow the Ugg-boots-over-the-skinny-jeans trend? No. I've never owned either item.
Peas or carrots? Carrots.
Do you laugh when you see the number 69? No.
What's your least favorite genre of music? Rap.
How many languages can you count to ten in? Three.
Subway or Quiznos? Subway
Question marks or exclamation points? Exclamation points.
How often do you get on Myspace now that Facebook's taken over? Once every couple weeks. Every time I get on myspace, they've changed something and look a little more like facebook.
What's your iPod's most played song? Dunno. Probably a Regina Spektor song.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's gone!!

...My mole, that is. :) It feels so good to have that thing off of me! The doctors were a little concerned about what it might be, so they decided to remove it immediately. They numbed the area and did a "shave biopsy" and then used some crazy machine to burn my skin to stop the bleeding. None of it hurt at all. They made sure that I knew I was "trading the mole for a scar"...which is fine by me. I would much rather have a small pale scar than a big fat red mole. I should hear back from them next week about what it is, exactly. They said there's a 98% chance it's just a vascular malformation, which is completely harmless...and a 2% chance it could be melanoma, aka skin cancer. Jordan and I haven't been approved for IowaCare yet because we just turned in the application...we're supposed to get the decision in the mail within a month. If we do get it, it will cover the appointment and the we're crossing our fingers! We'd like to avoid going into debt, if at all possible...

Well, I could have made it to work this morning, since I was home from the hospital by 10:15...but I'm glad that I found someone to cover my shift instead. It feels good to relax with a cup of hot chocolate on snowy day. After enjoying a couple more blissful hours of laziness, I think I'll make use of our browning bananas and make banana bread. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Can't sleep....

What is your favorite..
gum: Stride
restaurant: I have a lot. Great Wall, Oyama, Olive Garden, Village depends on where I am and what I'm in the mood for!
drink: latte
season: fall
type of weather: Upper sixties or lower seventies and sunny.
emotion: um...happiness?
late-night activity: Depends on where I'm at/who I'm with. If it isn't keeping anyone awake, I like to play the keyboard and/or guitar.
sport: Meh. Don't care.
store: Barnes and Noble, Target...Maurices and Old Navy for clothes.

When was the last time you..
cried: Christmas Eve
played a sport: We played, kinda played tennis with Carissa and Brian in the spring.
laughed: Today
hugged someone: Today
kissed someone: Today
felt overworked: Last week. I had a bunch of shifts in a row and they were all abnormally long.
faked sick: High school? Faking sick is pretty ineffective in college.

What was the last..
word you said: I can't remember...probably "okay" or something.
thing you ate: Carrots.
song you listened to: Something on the radio...can't remember that, either.
thing you drank: Tea
place you went to: Arby's
movie you saw: Avatar
movie you rented: New in Town. And I didn't even watch it. :(
concert you attended: Mark Schultz and Point of Grace

Who was the last person you..
hugged: Jordan
cried over: My family? I was upset that I might not get to see them for Christmas because of the weather.
kissed: Jordan
danced with: Jordan
shared a secret with: Jordan
had a sleepover with: Besides, Carissa?
called: My mom
went to a movie with: Jordan and Nick
saw: Jordan
were angry with: Bryant

Have you ever..
danced in the rain: Yeah
kissed someone: Yeah
done drugs: Nothing illegal.
drank alcohol: Yeah.
partied 'til the sun came up: Not really. Depends on what you mean by "partied."
had a movie marathon: Yeah.
gone too far on a dare: Nope.
spun until you were immensely dizzy: Many times.
taken a survey quite like this before: Yes.

WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? Losing people I love.
AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO BUILDER? Yeah. I wasn't very good, though.
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY TV"? Generally, I think it's stupid. I like some of it...the less dramatic, the better. Like the reality shows on Food Network and HGTV, for example.
WERE YOU A CUTE BABY? Once my hair came in, I I was pretty cute.
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR KEYBOARD? I don't really have a keyboard since I have a keys are black.
WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL VACATION SPOT? Something relaxed and close to nature, beautiful scenery...but with some modern comforts. Like a nice cabin.
CAN YOU SING THE ALPHABET BACKWARDS? I've never tried and don't care to.
ARE SPEEDO'S HOT? Eh...I'm not a fan.
WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING? I could never do it and I'm glad my husband doesn't do it...but I'm not going to criticize the people that enjoy it.
WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO? I seem to be allergic to most pet hair...but definitely cats, and mangoes, and maybe dust, too. Probably some other things.
DO YOU CRY AT WEDDINGS? Not regularly.
HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? Scrambled, with lots of milk and cheese.
WHAT TIME IS IT? 1:38 AM. Shouldn't I be tired?
DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? Yeah. Aim and Ames, of course...and a bunch of silly ones like cupcake and princess.
IS MCDONALD'S DISGUSTING? Eh. I don't think it's too bad. They have good fries and I enjoy the occasional big mac.
WHAT ARE YOU ADDICTED TO? Caffeine, probably. I love coffee, tea, and Pepsi.
YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE? I'm not a fan...but sometimes it's necessary.
DO YOU WEAR NAILPOLISH? Sometimes on my toes...never on my fingernails.
WHAT'S THE MOST ANNOYING TV COMMERCIAL? Pretty much all infomercials and local commercials.