Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's gone!!

...My mole, that is. :) It feels so good to have that thing off of me! The doctors were a little concerned about what it might be, so they decided to remove it immediately. They numbed the area and did a "shave biopsy" and then used some crazy machine to burn my skin to stop the bleeding. None of it hurt at all. They made sure that I knew I was "trading the mole for a scar"...which is fine by me. I would much rather have a small pale scar than a big fat red mole. I should hear back from them next week about what it is, exactly. They said there's a 98% chance it's just a vascular malformation, which is completely harmless...and a 2% chance it could be melanoma, aka skin cancer. Jordan and I haven't been approved for IowaCare yet because we just turned in the application...we're supposed to get the decision in the mail within a month. If we do get it, it will cover the appointment and the we're crossing our fingers! We'd like to avoid going into debt, if at all possible...

Well, I could have made it to work this morning, since I was home from the hospital by 10:15...but I'm glad that I found someone to cover my shift instead. It feels good to relax with a cup of hot chocolate on snowy day. After enjoying a couple more blissful hours of laziness, I think I'll make use of our browning bananas and make banana bread. :)

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