It feels good to have a Saturday off work, for once. Gotta love sleeping in on a Saturday. Oh wait...I'm not sleeping in, am I? How odd.
I was up til the wee hours of the morning playing WoW...Jordan jumped servers again, so I started a gnome mage on the new server. I'll probably never get on to continue leveling it, but I was in the mood/had time to play last night. Anyway, it was after 4:00 when I finally fell asleep. Jordan came to bed a little before 9:00, which woke me up...and I just couldn't fall back to sleep. So I'm up. I'll probably feel like crap in a few hours and will need to take a nap...but in the meantime, I'm going to get some homework done and clean up the apartment a bit. We're having all kinds of people coming by today. Bob will be here in a few hours to try to fix our car (the brake lights won't turn off...) and to give Jordan a crash course in tax stuff. Then Bryant's family is coming to see the apartment then take him out for dinner...and then Katie and Jon are coming by before we head out to Blackstone for Carissa and Brian's pseudo engagement party (excited!). With all these people dropping by, I definitely want the apartment to look less like crap.
Well, I got through my first week of classes. It doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment because I haven't been to my fiction writing seminar yet (that's on Mondays, and classes started on Tuesday). I'm anxious to see how it will compare to the playwriting seminar I took in terms of how many projects I'll be doing/how demanding it will be. Even though fiction is my favorite genre to write, part of me would have liked taking the playwriting seminar was so fun and I loved my TA. Not to mention I can write a play in half the time that I can write a short story. Oh well...I'm sure I'll do fine in the fiction seminar, as long as I don't try to do all the work the night before. That's so uncalled for when a class only meets once a week, anyway. My main concern is my essay's very intimidating. Not because I don't think I can write a good essay (though it certainly isn't my strong suit)...but because I'm so bad at speaking up in class. I blush whenever I's like a reflex. Then I get flustered and forget my train of thought...then blush more because I feel embarrassed. It's horrible. But I'm just going to have to suck it up if I want a good participation grade! I'm giving myself a goal: to make at least one comment in every class. If I can manage that, I'll feel really good about myself. I'll still seem relatively shy, but not the irritating why-doesn't-she-ever-say-a-word kind of shy.
Okay, time to make some coffee and start being productive.
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