Friday, January 8, 2010

Meh again.

I'm in such a crappy mood! I miss Jordan. :( I hate when our schedules clash like this--when we're actually home together, he's sleeping from having worked third shift the night before. I didn't get home from work til 10:40 and he worked at I literally saw him for ten seconds before he left. In addition to that, the spot where my mole was is really gross. There's an actual crater-esque hole there...and it leaks pus so I have to keep cleaning it out with a q-tip and hydrogen peroxide. It's quite disgusting. And I won't even go into how anxious I am about getting the test results from the biopsy. BAD MOOD. /sigh.

I think that's enough complaining for now, eh? Time for a survey to take my mind of things.

What's your favorite cereal? honey bunches of oats
Do you like standing in front of fires? Yes
What's the geekiest game you're involved with? World of Warcraft
In the club, would you rather them play techno or hip-hop? Techno
What age do you want kids? 24 or 25. Wow, that's only a few years away...scary.
Do you watch those judge shows? "Judge shows"? Like Judge Judy? No.
Is Taylor Lautner REALLY all that good-looking? Eh. He's cute and he's in great shape...I'll give him that.
Have you met anyone famous? Not really.
What are you drinking right now? Coffee.
Has this school year gone by fast for you so far? Very...halfway done already.
Have you been outside the country? (Where?) Nope.
Doesn't it suck that BBQ Cheez-Its and smoothie Skittles are gone? I never knew those things existed.
Do you have that kind of teacher who's super laid back and cool? I have had a few teachers like that, yes.
What time is it? 12:26.
Can you watch R-rated movies by yourself? Yeah.
Have you ever snuck into a movie? Nope.
Are you going to see Toy Story 3, even at your mature age? Probably not in theaters. I'm sure I'll rent it when it comes out, though.
(Toy Story's bad ass, of course you're gonna see it.) How old are you? 22
Do you have a pet? Yeah, two dogs.
Did Cloverfield make you motion-sick? I didn't see it.
Were you part of that super small minority who voted for Kris Allen? I had to google him to find out that you were referring to American Idol. I stopped watching it after the season when Jordin Sparks one.
Are you a homophobe? No.
Could you be a vegetarian for any extended period of time? Yeah. I don't eat very much meat, anyway.
Do you wear contacts? Yeah.
What's your favorite color? Green.
Do you listen to sad songs when you're sad or happy songs to cheer you up? Kind of depends on why I'm sad. I usually do listen to sad songs, though.
Are you a fan of seafood? No. I like fish--salmon, trout, tuna, etc...but don't like shellfish or shrimp or anything like that.
Can you imitate accents? Yeah. Not especially well, though.
Have you been to the Seattle space needle? No.
What do you think of the heels-and-skinny-jeans look? Looks good on skinny girls. I like it way better than the converse-and-skinny-jeans look, that's for sure.
Do you use Youtube to listen to music? No, Using it right now. :)
Are you a rain person? Generally.
Which side of the brain do you use? (Left- English etc., right- math, etc.) Definitely more of the left.
Which of the Pirates of the Carribeans was your favorite? The first one.
Wasn't the last Harry Potter unusually awful? No, I didn't think so.
Are you counting down the days for anything? Yes, graduation. Well, I'm not literally counting the days...but you know what I mean.
Gatorade or Powerade? Don't really care. I like both.
What's the worst smell in the world? I'm sure I haven't smelled the worst smell in the world. As far as what I have smelled, probably vomit...or spoiled meat.
What did/are you going to have for dinner tonight? I had some rice, a salad, and a slice of banana bread before I left for work. I guess that was supper.
Do you live on a lot of acreage? No...
What's your favorite passtime? Reading and writing. Though I've been lazy lately and have been watching a lot of TV.
When do you graduate? In May. Can't wait!
Do you think the world's gonna end December 21st, 2012? No.
Are you going to see the movie? No.
What're your Thanksgiving plans this year? We haven't nailed down any plans, since that's eleven months away...but we'll probably have an early lunch with my family and a later dinner with Jordan's family, as usual.
Do you still blow out candles on your birthday cake? It's been a few years since I've had a birthday cake.
Have you ever genuinely used the word "indeed?" Not really. I've used it plenty of times, but it's always somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
Did you ever think root beer was real beer as a young 'un? No.
Last book you read? Currently reading Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. Last book I completed was Middlemarch by George Eliot.
Are you into gorey movies like Saw? Or is that just grotesque? Definitely not.
Do you use Google as your spell check? No.
When was the last time you cut your nails? A couple weeks ago.
Do you listen to Miley Cyrus's songs even though you hate her? Not on purpose...just on the radio.
What's your favorite number? 24
Who's your second period teacher? I don't have "periods"
What time does your school get out? n/a
Do you have late start days? No, colleges don't do that, as far as I know.
Last inbox message you received? (Facebook, text, Myspace, doesn't matter.) "Don't worry 2 much! will be ok!" from Perrian
What's your homepage? Google
How tall are you? 5'5" ish
Do you tan or sunburn easier? Burn pretty easily.
What WOULDN'T you ever name your children? Amy or Jordan, for one. I really don't like when people do that. And I wouldn't want to name them anything super popular.
Do you care about Hollywood gossip? No.
What's your ringtone? I dunno. Nothing fun or recognizable...just something that came with the phone.
What would you save if your house was on fire? My computer. So many poems/stories/etc on here that would be lost forever.
What movie is guaranteed to make you cry? There isn't one. I don't really cry during movies, unless I'm in a certain mood and which case, almost any movie is bound to make me cry.
Do you get up when your alarm rings or do that "five more minutes" routine? I hit the snooze at least three times every morning. Then turn it off completely and fall back asleep...and wake up with barely enough time to get ready.
Is your toothbrush manual or electric? Manual.
Do your vampires sparkle & be sissies or rip people to shreds? lol, someone doesn't like Twilight... And I don't care. Both types should be allowed to peacefully exist in the wonderful world of fiction.
Do/did you follow the Ugg-boots-over-the-skinny-jeans trend? No. I've never owned either item.
Peas or carrots? Carrots.
Do you laugh when you see the number 69? No.
What's your least favorite genre of music? Rap.
How many languages can you count to ten in? Three.
Subway or Quiznos? Subway
Question marks or exclamation points? Exclamation points.
How often do you get on Myspace now that Facebook's taken over? Once every couple weeks. Every time I get on myspace, they've changed something and look a little more like facebook.
What's your iPod's most played song? Dunno. Probably a Regina Spektor song.

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