Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here we go again.

After a crappy day, listening to music and filling out a pointless survey feels very therapeutic to that's what I'm going to do.

So do you think Justin Bieber will make it big? I have no idea.
As a kid did you watch Sesame street? Now and then. I was really into Muppet Babies, though. And Eureka's Castle.
What emotions are going through your head? Anxiety and frustration.
When was the last time you ate an otter pop? I'm not sure if I ever have...
Who's the biggest inspiration to you? My parents.
Have you eve loved someone but were too scared to come out and say it? Nope.
Ever gotten high? No.
If you were pregnant with a boy what would you name him? I dunno. All the names I like are too I would pore over baby books until I found a unique name that we both like.
What about if you were pregnant with a girl? Same deal. Jordan and I both like Zoe, though, which isn't crazy popular right now.
Do you think the economy is down? I think it has issues...but I don't know much about them.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? What a stupid question. Since I'm married and only kiss my husband, I know it won't be. But if I was single, how would I have any way of knowing? Mistakes aren't planned or premeditated...that's kinda what makes them mistakes, isn't it?
Whats the best kind of soda? I love cranberry sierra mist. But they only have it around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Do you obsess over labels? Not at all.
Have you ever been to Disneyland? Nope. Maybe someday.
What are you looking forward to? Graduating. Moving to our new apartment.
If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? It'd be nice to have ears that don't stick out a mile.
Have you ever gave money to a hobo? How much? Yeah. Pocket change, or a few dollars.
Who do you trust? My husband, my family, my friends.
Whens the last time you wore a dress or a suit? Saturday.
Are you the kind of person who finds reading fun? Yes.
Do you like elephants? Not anymore than other big wild animals.
Do you have an annoying laugh? I don't think so. No one has ever told me if I do...
Do you like that song by The Strokes? I don't know what you're referring to.
When was the last time you played Guitar Hero? I think it was my freshman year of college.
Do you pre-order video games? No.
When was the last time you washed your hair? This morning.
Who is the closest other person to you? Jordan.
Does PDA bother you? It can get to that point. French kissing in public is generally gross to me...or blatant groping.
Can you name a song by Stevie Ray Vaughan? Nope.
What color is your hair, naturally? Brown.
Do you own any makeup from Victoria's Sceret? Some lip gloss, somewhere.
Who was the last person that said "hello" to you? Guests coming into Applebees.
Do you know anyone with the last name Little? No.
When was the last time you drove? A few hours ago.
Have you ever failed a drivers test? No. Unless the written test I had to take for my permit counts.
Can you do a perfect cartwheel? No. I don't think I can even do a bad cartwheel.
Do you know anyone who has gained A LOT of weight? Yeah.
What was the last song you listened to? Braille by Regina Spektor.
Do you have a channel on YouTube? No.
If you keep tabs, what is the second most visited website on your computer? Yahoomail.
Can you whistle with your fingers in your mouth? No.
Have you ever tasted Carl's Jr. Portobello Mushroom Burger? No.
Anyways, do you know anyone who became famous? Not personally.
Are you planning on going anywhere tonight? Nope.
What did you do on Labor Day weekend? I don't remember doing anything in particular. I think I might have been working.
Does screamo music scare/disgust you? I don't know if I'd go that far...I just plain don't like it.
Do you know anyone who lies about their race to seem more interesting? No.
When was the last time you cracked your knuckles? Sometime today, I'm sure.
Are you that type of person that is constantly touching their hair? Yeah, but usually just to make sure my ears aren't sticking out. I look like an elf when they do that.
What time is it currently on your computer clock? 5:46.
Do you know anyone from Ireland? Not personally.
When was the last time you had ice cream? A couple weeks ago.
Do you have more than on best friend? Yeah.
What was the last glass object you touched? Probably a drinking glass.
Can you type really fast? It depends on what "really fast" is. I can type faster than most people.
Do you like to go shopping? Yeah, but not for long. I get tired after an hour or two.
Can you do any cheerleading tumble tricks? No.

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