Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So, I'm going to Florida tomorrow. Two days ago, Jordan found out that his best and longest WoW friend Ian is getting married this weekend. Because of a bunch of crazy circumstances, none of his family can make it on such short notice. His fiancee's family felt bad that he wouldn't have anyone there, so they offered to pay for a few of his friends (Nick, Jordan, and me) to come. We're looking forward to finally meeting Ian in person...and of course the free mini vacation! The only downfall is that I have to take a bunch of homework with me...I have an essay that I have to finish and turn in (via email) on Thursday, and I have two short stories due on Monday. I'm hoping to get a lot done on the plane/our layover in Texas. Also, we won't be back in time for me to sing for church Easter morning, so my parents were pretty disappointed :( but we're going to Burlington Sunday night for Easter dinner.

Ya know what's funny? The weather forecast for Tampa is pretty much identical to the weather forecast for Iowa in the next few days. Highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s. What fun is it leaving Iowa for Florida when the weather is so nice here?! But Saturday is going to be cold and rainy here (sunny and 80 degrees in Tampa!), so I guess that makes up for it. Anyway...I'm going to try to squeeze in some homework before bed...and after a survey.

Did you have the urge to slap someone in the face very hard today? Nope. I actually had a pretty good day.
What is one movie you're wanting to go watch in theaters at the moment? Hot Tub Time Machine...it looks funny.
Do you own anyone money? What did you borrow the money for anyway? I don't think so. Unless student loans count.
What was the most interesting or colorful birthday cake you've had? I don't think I've ever had an interesting/colorful birthday cake. When my parents get me one, it's usually just cheesecake.
What was the last thing someone bought you? Was it expensive? My mom bought me a watch a couple weeks ago. It was a Target watch, so no, not expensive.
Do you think people who cant sing, shouldn't try in the first place? No, they can sing all they want. Just not in any setting where they're being judged--competitions, talent shows etc.
When was the last time you embarrassed yourself in front of someone you like? I don't remember.
Is there anyone in your life who asks you really personal questions a lot? Not really.
Do people seem to underestimate you because of something in your past? Not that I'm aware of.
Do you like surprises or do you like to know everything that's going on? Depends on the situation. Sometimes I like surprises...but I like having a certain amount of control.
When was the last time someone kissed you on the cheek? Who was it? I don't remember, but it was either Jordan or my Dad--they're the only people that ever kiss me on the cheek.
Do you ever go camping with a bunch of friends and tell ghost stories? No.
What is one decade (if so) you wish you had lived in? Why is this? I dunno. I like aspects of other decades, but I think I would really miss my technology. It's hard to imagine life without high speed internet...
What college are you going to or planning on going to in the future? Going to the U of I...and I'm not sure where I'll be for my MFA. I'd kinda like to stay at the U of I, but we'll see.
What is your favorite kind of chocolate out of milk, dark, and white? Milk. The other two I only enjoy in very small quantities.
Do you know anyone personally who is too pretty to even seem real? Yeah.
When was the last time you finger-painted? What'd you paint anyway? I'm not sure if I ever have.
Do you have any interesting moles anywhere you dont want people to know of? Not really. I have a ton, but I don't care if people know about them (as long as they don't grow to freakish size).
Have you ever gotten high or drunk in a really formal place? Nope.
Would you consider yourself more of a giver or a receiver in situations? Generally more of a giver...obviously it depends on who the other person is/the situation.
Do you have MySpace? If so, when did you first get your account? Yeah. I don't know, sometime in high school.
Have you ever made up any long words all by yourself? No. What do you mean "all by yourself"? Are you implying that it's hard to make up a long word?? Harvectinaria. There, I just did it. Not hard.
Do you call yourself names when you do something you said you wouldn't? Not really.
What kind of ice cream did you eat last? Where'd you get it from? Starbucks Coffee ice cream, from Hy-Vee.
Have you ever told a huge lie, then had someone figure it out? I don't think so.
Are you a skinny person, a fat person, or do you have a few extra pounds? I'm an appropriate weight for my height. Most people tell me I'm skinny.
Have you ever been to a strip club before? Are you even old enough? Never been, yes I'm old enough. Jordan said we're going to go to one in Florida...we'll see about that.
Do you have any pet peeves that are odd to any other people? Yeah, I suppose. I'm really particular about socks...thickness, length, straightness of the seams.
What is the most used emoticon you'll use in a conversation? I don't really use them. Occasionally, I'll throw in a smiley or a sad face.
Do you like flowers? What is your favorite kind to receive? Yes, I like flowers...not necessarily to "receive," just to enjoy. Daisies are my favorite, but I also love any super fragrant flower--peonies, lilacs, lily of the valley.
Has anyone ever considered you to 'wear the pants' in a relationship? Not really.
Does your father's job force him to travel all over the place at times? Sometimes he has to go to different county courthouses, but never more than an hour or so away.
When was the last time you were out of your home country? I've never left the country.
When was the last time someone attempted to cheer you up? Monday.
What is one sport you hate playing, but love watching live/on television? That doesn't really apply...I don't love watching any sports.
What did the last piece of cake you had look like? Was it colorful? The last cake I remember eating was chocolate...so no, not so colorful. What's with the colorful cake obsession?
Do people tend to do things for you a lot, or do they leave you to do that? That's incredibly vague. I dunno...sometimes people do things for me, sometimes I do things for myself...
Do you ever write poetry and post it on any certain websites? No, I don't make a habit of posting my writing on the internet.
Do you ever think you're being cheated on by a significant other? No, not now. In high school, when I was dating other guys, yes.
Have you ever had someone pick on you or bully you at any time in life? Yeah. In sixth grade, this girl picked on me for a week straight because the boy she liked had a crush on me...that was fun...

Friday, March 26, 2010

I should be leaving now to go take my classical mythology exam...but I'm not. Turns out, I wasn't at all prepared. I thought I could cram last night/this morning and do okay...but in reviewing the material I had several moments of "did I even read this? Ever? None of this sounds familiar." I was on the verge of panic, and then I remembered that, since it's an online class, I could reschedule! So I'm taking it next Friday. My intent is to study little chunks throughout the week...because 350 pages is too much to cram into one night. Here's hoping I can stick to that.

This next month is going to be CRAZY. My second essay is due on the 1st and being workshopped on the 6th. My first short story is due on the 5th and being workshopped on the 12th. My second short story (which is not being workshopped) is due on the 19th. My final paper for European lit is due on the 22nd. And, somewhere in there, I have to squeeze in four short essays and an eight-page paper for human memory, as well as a five-page paper for classical mythology. Not really sure how I'm going to accomplish all that...but I will. Because I have to! If I don't, I don't get to graduate...so yeah, kind of important.

What attracted you to this survey? Hmm, boredom. And the desire to not do homework. Yeah, mostly that.
Do you know anyone who should not wear tight clothes? Sure.
Do you know anyone who steals clothes when the owners aren't home? No.
Are you chewing anything right now? Nope.
What's the title of the nearest book to you? Flowers of Evil.
Do you tend to do obnoxious things,such as belching really loud? No.
Are you at your house? Yes. Well, apartment.
What are you wearing right now? Adidas sweatpants, t-shirt, and green sweater.
Do you respect your parents as much as you should? Yes.
Has an adult ever allowed you to smoke a cigarette? No...not that I've ever asked to or wanted to.
What's your favorite number? 24.
What's your favorite color? Why is that? Green...because it's the most visually appealing to me. And it reminds me of nature, calmness and creativity, among other things.
Have you ever skipped school to catch up on things that may not seem that important to others? I've skipped school to catch up on homework...if that counts.
Are you wearing any make-up right now? Nope.
Are there any dishes on your desk? Yeah, several cups.
Do you believe everything that the media says? No.
Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Nope.
Did you know that Michael Jackson wore eyeliner? No.
I just found out that he did just last night....:0 Cool...
Do you doodle during class? If so,which class(es)? Yeah. The ones where I'm sitting far enough away from the professor for it to look like I'm taking notes.
Does your favorite band lip-sync? Dunno.
Do you headband a lot? Meaning do I wear headbands a lot? (If there's some other meaning, I don't get it.) No. I hate headbands because they draw so much attention to my ears...but I do think they're cute in general.
Do you have a garage? No.
Do you participate in P.E. even though you dislike the activity? In high school, yes. We had to participate if we wanted a decent grade.
Do you wear loose shirts or body-flattering shirts? Both. And some of my "loose" shirts are very flattering.
Have you ever been to Bojangles? No.
Have you ever stolen something from a grocery store? Nope.
Are you excited about being able to be on your own at the age of 18? ...
Are you excited that you're going to die in about 70 years? Hmm, don't know how accurate that is. I may or may not live to 92.
Run your tongue over your teeth. What do they feel like? Gross. I just had a cup of coffee.
When you stand up,do you get light-headed? Not usually.
Do any bones pop when you stand up? Sometimes.
Can you type without looking at the keyboard? Yes. I never look at the keyboard, except when I have to use symbols that I never use...like this guy: ^
About how old is your house? I live in an apartment...I don't know how old the building is. My parents' house was built in the 1920s.
Do you have friendly neighbors? To an extent...they smile and say "hi" sometimes.
Does the English language sometimes confuse you? More like frustrate...
If you could bring back ONE dead celebrity,who would it be? I dunno. Brittany Murphy?
What's your favorite song by My Chemical Romance? Don't know the group well enough to have a favorite.
What's your opinion on having 9 people in one band? It seems like a lot, but if it works, it works.
Sniff your shirt. What does it smell like? My detergent.
Now just sniff the air. What does it smell like? My cinnamon candle.
Have you ever fallen off of a bridge? No.
How long can you hold your breath? I dunno...probably like a minute.
Have you ever cussed someone out? No.
Do you walk around town a lot? Yeah.
Is there anything silver around you? Yeah, my rings...my watch.
Do you use your middle finger a lot for particular reasons? Not any more than the other fingers...
What's your favorite flavor of cake? Probably chocolate...though I really like carrot cake, too.
Can you make something from scratch? Yeah...lots of things.
When's the last time you twisted your ankle? High school.
How many cars are in your driveway? I don't have a driveway.
Can Gerard Way still sing well? I don't know who that is.
Wait,I forgot to ask! How are you feeling today? All right.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You know

could you happily survive in a world without music? Only if I'd never been introduced to it.
has anyone ever revealed one of your secrets to another person? Probably.
if you've stayed overnight in a hospital, how did you entertain yourself? I haven't as a patient, just a guest of a patient. Watched TV, played computer games, watched Jordan play gamecube.
have you ever made your own jewelry? out of what? Yeah. Embroidery floss. I miss making those little bracelets.
what does it feel like to fall asleep in someone's arms? Nice and cozy...sometimes. Sometimes it makes me claustrophobic. I definitely can't do it every night.
when was the last time you failed to meet your own expectations? Last month...I couldn't finish the essay I started and had to turn in one that I wrote a year ago instead.
what do you often assume about other people? That they're shallow.
how many times a week do you watch the weather report? I check it online pretty much every day.
what do you drink more of: hot or cold drinks? Hot. Not as much now that it's spring!
if you could go back and give your 10 year old self some advice what would you say to him / her? Don't cut your own bangs in two years. It doesn't go well.
do you recall the first time that you learned the truth about sex? Nope. I don't remember not knowing. I knew what sex was before I knew what a period was...weird, huh?
if you've ever been a featured member of a website, how'd it make you feel? ...
do you need the opinion of others to make yourself feel worthwhile? No. Though I enjoy the occasional compliment.
how do you hold / position your pillow while you sleep? I put my head on it...? I don't do anything else with it.
what is a common sleeping position for you? On my side, legs sprawled out.
what kind of environment do you need to be able to sleep? I can't be too hot or too cold...but that's about the only requirement. I can sleep in dark or light, and noise doesn't bother me.
when was the last time someone gave you a back massage? Jordan gave me one a couple weeks ago.
have you ever rubbed anyone's feet? Briefly. Not like a full blown foot massage.
have you ever farted, but tried to pass it off as someone else? Yeah...in my defense, it was when I first met Jordan. You can't fart around a guy you really like within a couple weeks of meeting him!
is there a food that makes you sick just thinking about it? Yeah...mushrooms. And custard.
how has your musical taste changed since you were a little kid? A bit. I still like my original favorite groups, though.
have you ever kissed a poster or picture of someone? Not past the age of twelve.
if you woke up to discover you were the last person on earth, how would you react? would you move into a bigger house? ( XD ) I'd probably cry! But yes, then I would take advantage of the situation and enjoy myself.
your worst enemy of the opposite sex is alive; do you two save the species? Maybe.
have you ever completed a paint by number painting? ( was it of a wolf? ) No.
list a few books you remember reading as a child: Amelia Bedelia, Nancy Drew mysteries, Ella Enchanted.
is there a type of candy that you do not like? Yes...black licorice. That's about it.
which would you rather do: fish, or golf? I've never been golfing...so I dunno.
do you know anyone that's kind of stuck in another generation? Maybe clothing-wise...but other than that, no.
rank your life based on percentage spent happy, and percentage spent sad: Probably 70% happy, 30% unhappy (I like that term better than sad.)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bad Timing Day

This is officially BAD TIMING day. First off, there's the snow on the first day of spring. :( We woke up freezing and had to turn the heater back on. I was planning on getting some laundry done but because there is snow everywhere outside, I'm totally demotivated. I hate having to get all bundled up and walk through the snow just to do a couple loads of laundry. I was also planning on catching up in my human memory class today, but ICON is down. Which means I can't access my online classes. Or, for the matter, print out the reading material for my non-online classes. Because I'm on spring break, I put off most of my homework thinking that I would be able to get it all done in two days. That was assuming that I would be able to access it. (As Jordan put it, this is like showing up for class and finding the door locked.) If they don't fix this "file storage outage" ASAP, I'm screwed! I hate being so dependent on technology. UGH. In addition to being bad timing day, this is also BAD MOOD day.

Time to cheer myself up with a good cup of coffee and a brownie.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The sweetest thing...

I'm up right now because I was doing homework...but then I got bored with my homework and started finding ridiculous ways to distract myself: rereading angsty-teenage-romance-drama emails from half a decade ago (am I the only weirdo that saves emails for years?) and going through old documents buried in the "Random Crap" folder on my desktop. Through all this ridiculousness, I found something lovely: one of the Windows Messenger conversations that Jordan and I had when we first met...before we started dating, but when we were into each other enough to chat online all night. I've reread this conversation many times over the past three and a half years, but there's one part that always gets me:

"From the first time I saw you, I just knew I had to try. Heh, I've never really put an effort toward getting to know someone as well as I have with you. But like I said, I couldn't take my eyes off you all night when you were here for the first time. There is just something about you. Then just talking to you then...later...and now. There doesn't seem to be one thing wrong with you Amy. Something I'd think to be so damn unrealistic is completely blown away by you."

A few lines later, I tell my future husband: "I'm glad I met you."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Coffee and a survey...yum

Are you one of those people who thinks that heartbreak is your boyfriend? Um, no.
Are you where you thought you would be at this point in your life? Yeah, for the most part...though I didn't think I would be married at this age.
Do you have any children? No.
Do you have a partner? Yes.
Do you like being outside? Yes. Not so much in winter...but in all other seasons, yes.
Have you ever been camping? Yep. Most of my family vacations growing up were camping trips. I miss it. Jordan's not much of a fan.
What's your favourite condiment? It depends on what I'm eating. I love horseradish on roast beef and A1 on steak. I really like ketchup, too.
How do you usually wear your hair? Always down. I don't curl it or straighten it...I barely even blow-dry it.
How often do you get your hair cut and how much do you spend each time? Since I've been trying to keep it short, I get it cut every couple months. I think it's usually around $15.
Are you doing anything nice for your mum this mothers day? I'll probably buy her a present and go to Burlington to have lunch with her and my dad, if I drag myself away from finals week preparation.
Why were you last in hospital? Mole biopsy.
What's your favourite hot drink? Caramel latte.
Do you like cottage cheese? Yeah, in small amounts.
What's your opinion on flock wallpaper? I don't know what that is.
How about woodchip? Or that.
Who was in power (in your own country) the year you were born? Reagan.
Who do you live with? (If anybody.) My husband, my brother-in-law Spencer, and our friend Bryant.
Who sang/played the last song you listened to? I can't remember what I last listened to.
Which song was that? /shrug.
Can you get your legs over your head? Ha, don't think so.
Do you play with your hair a lot? (If you have any!) Nah. I run my fingers through it/tousle it a lot, but that's just to keep my ears from poking out.
What's your favourite game? (PC/consol or board) PC--World of Warcraft. Board--Beyond Balderdash.
Did you ever play Toejam and Earl? No clue what that is.
Ever heard the song Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot? Nope.
Do you know a baby/child who you love to spoil? I don't know many kiddos, unfortunately...and the ones I do know, I don't see very often.
If yes to above what relation to you is that child?
Do you think it is possible to spoil a baby? Yes.
When was the last time you saw a cow? Christmas break, on the drive home from Burlington.
Was it alive, dead or on your plate? Alive. If it was on my plate, I would call it beef...not a cow.
When was the last time you saw a living cow? See above. Seeing a live cow is nothing extraordinary in Iowa.
Would you make a good spy? I think I have some spy-like qualities...but probably not enough to make me a good one.
Are you observant? Yes.
Do you like yoga? I've never tried it.
How about Yogi bear? Yes, it reminds me of my childhood. My parents used to (well, still do) call my little brother BooBoo.
Do you own a Wii fit? Nope.
Do you know anybody who has had an abortion? Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a win on the lottery? No.
Do you even play the lottery? No.
Do you smoke? Nope.
Do you like clowns? They're okay.
How late is too late to ring somebody in a non-emergency? It depends on the person.
How much water do you drink per day? A few glasses.
Do you own a watch? Nope.
Have you ever left a drunken message on somebodies answer phone? I don't believe so.
When was the last time somebody pampered you? Christmas break. My parents tend to do that when I go to see them.
Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yes. I love spending time with them and I miss them a lot.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thanks, tax return!

I splurged on a new journal today. It's one of those big leather ones from Barnes and Noble that they keep in plastic, with this cool typewriter/letters pattern on the cover. I've been eyeing it for months and, thanks to our hefty tax return, finally felt okay with dropping $35 for it. It's been a few years since I've been able to keep up with a journal...I have a bad habit of starting them and then stopping after half a dozen entries. Since this one is so nice, I'm going to force myself to fill it up. That being the case, I probably won't be stopping by to blog as much. Obviously not a big deal, since no one actually reads this thing. :)

This has been the laziest Sunday I've had in a while. I slept til noon, played the keyboard for an hour, ran a few errands in Coralville, and haven't touched my homework. It's 6:00 and I haven't touched my homework!! I usually get up at 9:00 on Sundays to start working on it. I just feel so much more relaxed about it now that I quit my job. I know that I'll have all of Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to catch up in my online classes...and BONUS POINTS, all of spring break! Besides, I don't have any papers or stories due this week...just the usual reading and minor writing assignments.

And now I'm going to continue ignoring my homework for a bit longer so I can make supper. I found this great chili recipe on the back of a dried soup box...so easy, it's like making hamburger helper. Brown the meat, throw some crap in, let it simmer for twenty minutes, then deliciousness! Jordan loves it--he's so excited for supper tonight, it's adorable.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Wow...I have eight weeks left of classes (nine, counting finals week). /freakout. I'm really excited to graduate so I can start a real job (assuming that I'll be able to find one) and start preparing for MFA programs...but part of me is going to miss being an undergrad. I feel like I didn't do enough. My first five semesters of college just felt like jumping through hoops. It wasn't until last spring that I felt like I was actually getting something out of my classes. And this year has been great. I've made so much progress as a writer, thanks to the fabulous creative writing track (http://spectator.uiowa.edu/2010/february/wordplay.html).

Ya know what's funny, though? I have NO CLUE what kind of writer I want to be. I always thought I wanted to be a fiction writer...and I thought being an English major would only solidify that ambition. It definitely hasn't. Instead, I've discovered that I love playwriting and creative nonfiction as much as fiction. So I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes time to apply for MFA programs...

LAST NIGHT OF WORK TONIGHT! WHOO! I thought they would schedule me through next week, too (I told them they could), but they didn't. Probably a good thing, since I'm now a month behind in my two online classes (eek). Catching up shouldn't be too hard, though--it's mostly just online quizzes I need to take. Okay, time to get ready for work. I really hope no one makes a big deal about it being my last night...I'm not in the mood to pretend like I'm going to miss working there!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Break :)

Ah, my first Wednesday OFF WORK of the semester! Feels good! I'm so excited that this is going to be a regular thing after next week. I had a leisurely day of homework and attended a poetry reading (both my writing classes give extra credit for going to readings...how could I pass that up?). Just had supper, and now taking a little break before hitting the homework again.

Have you given anything up for lent? Nope.
Who was the last person you went shopping with? Carissa and Brian.
Are you planning on dying your hair any time soon? Nope. I don't think I ever want to dye it again...well, maybe highlights.
Who was the last person you saw that you haven't seen in a while? Bob and Perrian came over last week...hadn't seen them in a couple months.
Do you sing in front of people or only when you're alone? Both.
What kind of car do you have? (or want, if you don't have one.) Mercury mystique.
When was the last time you left your cell phone somewhere? I left it at the mall a year and a half ago.
Are your nails manicured right now? No. I've never had a manicure.
Are you more of a summer person or a winter person? Summer! Though I like some things about winter...like hot drinks and Christmas and sweaters.
Would you rather go to a rock concert or a rap concert? Rock.
Have you ever dated someone that was a different race than you? Yeah.
Do your parents ever tell you weird things you did as a kid? Yep.
How old is your best friend? 22.
What does your favorite necklace look like? White gold chain with a pearl and a tiny diamond.
Are you keeping a secret from anyone? Nope.
Is there anything with stripes on it in the room you're in? The afghan on our bed is striped.
Can you count how many vacations you've been on in your lifetime? It would take me a while...but I think I could.
Would you take a million dollars if it meant you had to die a month later? No.
Do you have cold hands or are you generally a warm person? Usually have cold hands.
Do you keep any type of diary or journal? I keep a commonplace book...not exactly a journal, but sort of. And this blog is kind of a journal (a lazy journal, since it's mostly just me filling out surveys...).
What was the last thing that made you really happy? Falling in love with a book I just started reading for class (Madame Bovary).
Can you remember what you dreamed about last night? Nope.
Have you ever gotten kicked out of a class for being disruptive? Haha, no.
What was the last thing someone bought for you? Coffee.
Do you have a good friend of the opposite sex that is not a boy/girlfriend? I have in the past...but not at this point in my life.
Would you rather read a book or watch the movie? Read a book, usually. Sometimes I'd rather watch a movie.
Are you a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner? Hmm...I'd say visual.
Cover songs or the original song? It depends on the song and the singers!
Are you where you want to be in life at this point in time? Yes.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Stupid paper.

So, my "easy" lit class is becoming a huge pain. Because of a couple untimely absences, I missed two pop quizzes. Last Thursday, the professor looked at me with astonishment when he was taking attendance and said "I didn't think you were in class anymore! I crossed you out!"...despite the fact that it had been two weeks since I'd missed a class. And I hate these two page papers that are due every month...such an awkward length. I would much rather have one big paper at midterm and one big paper at the end of the semester, like most lit classes. /SIGH. I would drop this class if I didn't need the credits to graduate...but I do. So I guess I should write the stupid paper.

what time did you wake up this morning? 11:00.
what would you describe your style as? Casual, comfy.
whats your preferred social networking site? Facebook.
what song are you listening to? No music.
are you talking to anyone? Nope.
when was the last time you brushed your teeth? This morning.
do you like the weather today? Yeah, 40 degrees and sunny felt amazing.
who was the last person to text you? Carissa.
what did they say? "Ok!"
who's your cell phone service provider? Verizon
what time is it? 12:11.
is there anything else you should be doing? Yeah...writing my paper.
have you ever broken someones heart? I don't think so.
had yours broken? A little bit.
do you consider past relationships a waste of time? No. Some of the flings, definitely yes...but not the actual relationships.
who was the last person you spoke to? Jordan.
do you think you'll be around to see the world end? No.
when did you graduate high school? 2006
are your nails painted? Nope.
when was the last time you were mad? Hmm...probably at work Friday night.
sad? Last night.
what kind of car did you ride in last? Mercury mystique...
do you wear perfume? Usually body spray...sometimes perfume.
whats your sign? Sagittarius.
in 3 years, how old will you be? 25
do you think thats old? No.
are you reading anything lately? Hard Times by Charles Dickens and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz...both are for classes. Good books, though.
do you believe in second chances? Yes.
do you hold grudges? I try not to.
do you swear? Yeah, around certain people.
what is the nearest photo to you of? Jordan and me, the night we went to Martini's with Carissa and Brian in 2007.
are you good at being quiet? Yes.
are you pessimistic or optimistic? or realistic? Lately, I've felt more pessimistic. In general, I'm usually optimistic.
do you wear makeup? Yeah.
are you photogenic? Eh, not really. I have good days and bad days.
when was the last time you exercised? It's been a couple years.
what did you do? Treadmill in my parents' basement.
what was the last movie you watched? When in Rome.
do you know how many days are in each month? Yeah.
whats your favorite holiday? Christmas.
did you have a valentine this year? Yes.
what were you doing when 2009 arrived? Chilling at home with Jordan...eating hot fudge sundaes and pizza rolls.
who has your heart? Jordan.
do you like it that way? Definitely.
where is this person? Right behind me, at his desk.
when was the last time you saw them? A few seconds ago, when I turned around.
do you prefer desktops or laptops? As a student/writer, I like having a laptop. As an occasional gamer, I wish I had a desktop.
describe your bedroom. Messy, cluttered. Blue and brown comforter and sheets, brown curtains. Gray carpet. Nice closet. Tiny half bathroom.
ask me a question. Why? You'll never see it.
sunrise, or sunset? Sunset.
what kind of mood are you in? Meh. Mixed feelings. Dreading the long night ahead of me, but happy that I'll be able to sleep in and get homework done on Wednesday.
do you wear your heart on your sleeve? No.