Ah, my first Wednesday OFF WORK of the semester! Feels good! I'm so excited that this is going to be a regular thing after next week. I had a leisurely day of homework and attended a poetry reading (both my writing classes give extra credit for going to readings...how could I pass that up?). Just had supper, and now taking a little break before hitting the homework again.
Have you given anything up for lent? Nope.
Who was the last person you went shopping with? Carissa and Brian.
Are you planning on dying your hair any time soon? Nope. I don't think I ever want to dye it again...well, maybe highlights.
Who was the last person you saw that you haven't seen in a while? Bob and Perrian came over last week...hadn't seen them in a couple months.
Do you sing in front of people or only when you're alone? Both.
What kind of car do you have? (or want, if you don't have one.) Mercury mystique.
When was the last time you left your cell phone somewhere? I left it at the mall a year and a half ago.
Are your nails manicured right now? No. I've never had a manicure.
Are you more of a summer person or a winter person? Summer! Though I like some things about winter...like hot drinks and Christmas and sweaters.
Would you rather go to a rock concert or a rap concert? Rock.
Have you ever dated someone that was a different race than you? Yeah.
Do your parents ever tell you weird things you did as a kid? Yep.
How old is your best friend? 22.
What does your favorite necklace look like? White gold chain with a pearl and a tiny diamond.
Are you keeping a secret from anyone? Nope.
Is there anything with stripes on it in the room you're in? The afghan on our bed is striped.
Can you count how many vacations you've been on in your lifetime? It would take me a while...but I think I could.
Would you take a million dollars if it meant you had to die a month later? No.
Do you have cold hands or are you generally a warm person? Usually have cold hands.
Do you keep any type of diary or journal? I keep a commonplace book...not exactly a journal, but sort of. And this blog is kind of a journal (a lazy journal, since it's mostly just me filling out surveys...).
What was the last thing that made you really happy? Falling in love with a book I just started reading for class (Madame Bovary).
Can you remember what you dreamed about last night? Nope.
Have you ever gotten kicked out of a class for being disruptive? Haha, no.
What was the last thing someone bought for you? Coffee.
Do you have a good friend of the opposite sex that is not a boy/girlfriend? I have in the past...but not at this point in my life.
Would you rather read a book or watch the movie? Read a book, usually. Sometimes I'd rather watch a movie.
Are you a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner? Hmm...I'd say visual.
Cover songs or the original song? It depends on the song and the singers!
Are you where you want to be in life at this point in time? Yes.
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