could you happily survive in a world without music? Only if I'd never been introduced to it.
has anyone ever revealed one of your secrets to another person? Probably.
if you've stayed overnight in a hospital, how did you entertain yourself? I haven't as a patient, just a guest of a patient. Watched TV, played computer games, watched Jordan play gamecube.
have you ever made your own jewelry? out of what? Yeah. Embroidery floss. I miss making those little bracelets.
what does it feel like to fall asleep in someone's arms? Nice and cozy...sometimes. Sometimes it makes me claustrophobic. I definitely can't do it every night.
when was the last time you failed to meet your own expectations? Last month...I couldn't finish the essay I started and had to turn in one that I wrote a year ago instead.
what do you often assume about other people? That they're shallow.
how many times a week do you watch the weather report? I check it online pretty much every day.
what do you drink more of: hot or cold drinks? Hot. Not as much now that it's spring!
if you could go back and give your 10 year old self some advice what would you say to him / her? Don't cut your own bangs in two years. It doesn't go well.
do you recall the first time that you learned the truth about sex? Nope. I don't remember not knowing. I knew what sex was before I knew what a period was...weird, huh?
if you've ever been a featured member of a website, how'd it make you feel? ...
do you need the opinion of others to make yourself feel worthwhile? No. Though I enjoy the occasional compliment.
how do you hold / position your pillow while you sleep? I put my head on it...? I don't do anything else with it.
what is a common sleeping position for you? On my side, legs sprawled out.
what kind of environment do you need to be able to sleep? I can't be too hot or too cold...but that's about the only requirement. I can sleep in dark or light, and noise doesn't bother me.
when was the last time someone gave you a back massage? Jordan gave me one a couple weeks ago.
have you ever rubbed anyone's feet? Briefly. Not like a full blown foot massage.
have you ever farted, but tried to pass it off as someone else? my defense, it was when I first met Jordan. You can't fart around a guy you really like within a couple weeks of meeting him!
is there a food that makes you sick just thinking about it? Yeah...mushrooms. And custard.
how has your musical taste changed since you were a little kid? A bit. I still like my original favorite groups, though.
have you ever kissed a poster or picture of someone? Not past the age of twelve.
if you woke up to discover you were the last person on earth, how would you react? would you move into a bigger house? ( XD ) I'd probably cry! But yes, then I would take advantage of the situation and enjoy myself.
your worst enemy of the opposite sex is alive; do you two save the species? Maybe.
have you ever completed a paint by number painting? ( was it of a wolf? ) No.
list a few books you remember reading as a child: Amelia Bedelia, Nancy Drew mysteries, Ella Enchanted.
is there a type of candy that you do not like? licorice. That's about it.
which would you rather do: fish, or golf? I've never been I dunno.
do you know anyone that's kind of stuck in another generation? Maybe clothing-wise...but other than that, no.
rank your life based on percentage spent happy, and percentage spent sad: Probably 70% happy, 30% unhappy (I like that term better than sad.)
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