Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So, I'm going to Florida tomorrow. Two days ago, Jordan found out that his best and longest WoW friend Ian is getting married this weekend. Because of a bunch of crazy circumstances, none of his family can make it on such short notice. His fiancee's family felt bad that he wouldn't have anyone there, so they offered to pay for a few of his friends (Nick, Jordan, and me) to come. We're looking forward to finally meeting Ian in person...and of course the free mini vacation! The only downfall is that I have to take a bunch of homework with me...I have an essay that I have to finish and turn in (via email) on Thursday, and I have two short stories due on Monday. I'm hoping to get a lot done on the plane/our layover in Texas. Also, we won't be back in time for me to sing for church Easter morning, so my parents were pretty disappointed :( but we're going to Burlington Sunday night for Easter dinner.

Ya know what's funny? The weather forecast for Tampa is pretty much identical to the weather forecast for Iowa in the next few days. Highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s. What fun is it leaving Iowa for Florida when the weather is so nice here?! But Saturday is going to be cold and rainy here (sunny and 80 degrees in Tampa!), so I guess that makes up for it. Anyway...I'm going to try to squeeze in some homework before bed...and after a survey.

Did you have the urge to slap someone in the face very hard today? Nope. I actually had a pretty good day.
What is one movie you're wanting to go watch in theaters at the moment? Hot Tub Time Machine...it looks funny.
Do you own anyone money? What did you borrow the money for anyway? I don't think so. Unless student loans count.
What was the most interesting or colorful birthday cake you've had? I don't think I've ever had an interesting/colorful birthday cake. When my parents get me one, it's usually just cheesecake.
What was the last thing someone bought you? Was it expensive? My mom bought me a watch a couple weeks ago. It was a Target watch, so no, not expensive.
Do you think people who cant sing, shouldn't try in the first place? No, they can sing all they want. Just not in any setting where they're being judged--competitions, talent shows etc.
When was the last time you embarrassed yourself in front of someone you like? I don't remember.
Is there anyone in your life who asks you really personal questions a lot? Not really.
Do people seem to underestimate you because of something in your past? Not that I'm aware of.
Do you like surprises or do you like to know everything that's going on? Depends on the situation. Sometimes I like surprises...but I like having a certain amount of control.
When was the last time someone kissed you on the cheek? Who was it? I don't remember, but it was either Jordan or my Dad--they're the only people that ever kiss me on the cheek.
Do you ever go camping with a bunch of friends and tell ghost stories? No.
What is one decade (if so) you wish you had lived in? Why is this? I dunno. I like aspects of other decades, but I think I would really miss my technology. It's hard to imagine life without high speed internet...
What college are you going to or planning on going to in the future? Going to the U of I...and I'm not sure where I'll be for my MFA. I'd kinda like to stay at the U of I, but we'll see.
What is your favorite kind of chocolate out of milk, dark, and white? Milk. The other two I only enjoy in very small quantities.
Do you know anyone personally who is too pretty to even seem real? Yeah.
When was the last time you finger-painted? What'd you paint anyway? I'm not sure if I ever have.
Do you have any interesting moles anywhere you dont want people to know of? Not really. I have a ton, but I don't care if people know about them (as long as they don't grow to freakish size).
Have you ever gotten high or drunk in a really formal place? Nope.
Would you consider yourself more of a giver or a receiver in situations? Generally more of a giver...obviously it depends on who the other person is/the situation.
Do you have MySpace? If so, when did you first get your account? Yeah. I don't know, sometime in high school.
Have you ever made up any long words all by yourself? No. What do you mean "all by yourself"? Are you implying that it's hard to make up a long word?? Harvectinaria. There, I just did it. Not hard.
Do you call yourself names when you do something you said you wouldn't? Not really.
What kind of ice cream did you eat last? Where'd you get it from? Starbucks Coffee ice cream, from Hy-Vee.
Have you ever told a huge lie, then had someone figure it out? I don't think so.
Are you a skinny person, a fat person, or do you have a few extra pounds? I'm an appropriate weight for my height. Most people tell me I'm skinny.
Have you ever been to a strip club before? Are you even old enough? Never been, yes I'm old enough. Jordan said we're going to go to one in Florida...we'll see about that.
Do you have any pet peeves that are odd to any other people? Yeah, I suppose. I'm really particular about socks...thickness, length, straightness of the seams.
What is the most used emoticon you'll use in a conversation? I don't really use them. Occasionally, I'll throw in a smiley or a sad face.
Do you like flowers? What is your favorite kind to receive? Yes, I like flowers...not necessarily to "receive," just to enjoy. Daisies are my favorite, but I also love any super fragrant flower--peonies, lilacs, lily of the valley.
Has anyone ever considered you to 'wear the pants' in a relationship? Not really.
Does your father's job force him to travel all over the place at times? Sometimes he has to go to different county courthouses, but never more than an hour or so away.
When was the last time you were out of your home country? I've never left the country.
When was the last time someone attempted to cheer you up? Monday.
What is one sport you hate playing, but love watching live/on television? That doesn't really apply...I don't love watching any sports.
What did the last piece of cake you had look like? Was it colorful? The last cake I remember eating was chocolate...so no, not so colorful. What's with the colorful cake obsession?
Do people tend to do things for you a lot, or do they leave you to do that? That's incredibly vague. I dunno...sometimes people do things for me, sometimes I do things for myself...
Do you ever write poetry and post it on any certain websites? No, I don't make a habit of posting my writing on the internet.
Do you ever think you're being cheated on by a significant other? No, not now. In high school, when I was dating other guys, yes.
Have you ever had someone pick on you or bully you at any time in life? Yeah. In sixth grade, this girl picked on me for a week straight because the boy she liked had a crush on me...that was fun...

1 comment:

  1. Oh that sounds like so much fun, even if you do have a lot of homework to do! I guess there's no point in calling to ask if you'd be in town before I leave for Des Moines today, huh? :( Another time, for sure! <3
