Friday, March 26, 2010

I should be leaving now to go take my classical mythology exam...but I'm not. Turns out, I wasn't at all prepared. I thought I could cram last night/this morning and do okay...but in reviewing the material I had several moments of "did I even read this? Ever? None of this sounds familiar." I was on the verge of panic, and then I remembered that, since it's an online class, I could reschedule! So I'm taking it next Friday. My intent is to study little chunks throughout the week...because 350 pages is too much to cram into one night. Here's hoping I can stick to that.

This next month is going to be CRAZY. My second essay is due on the 1st and being workshopped on the 6th. My first short story is due on the 5th and being workshopped on the 12th. My second short story (which is not being workshopped) is due on the 19th. My final paper for European lit is due on the 22nd. And, somewhere in there, I have to squeeze in four short essays and an eight-page paper for human memory, as well as a five-page paper for classical mythology. Not really sure how I'm going to accomplish all that...but I will. Because I have to! If I don't, I don't get to yeah, kind of important.

What attracted you to this survey? Hmm, boredom. And the desire to not do homework. Yeah, mostly that.
Do you know anyone who should not wear tight clothes? Sure.
Do you know anyone who steals clothes when the owners aren't home? No.
Are you chewing anything right now? Nope.
What's the title of the nearest book to you? Flowers of Evil.
Do you tend to do obnoxious things,such as belching really loud? No.
Are you at your house? Yes. Well, apartment.
What are you wearing right now? Adidas sweatpants, t-shirt, and green sweater.
Do you respect your parents as much as you should? Yes.
Has an adult ever allowed you to smoke a cigarette? No...not that I've ever asked to or wanted to.
What's your favorite number? 24.
What's your favorite color? Why is that? Green...because it's the most visually appealing to me. And it reminds me of nature, calmness and creativity, among other things.
Have you ever skipped school to catch up on things that may not seem that important to others? I've skipped school to catch up on homework...if that counts.
Are you wearing any make-up right now? Nope.
Are there any dishes on your desk? Yeah, several cups.
Do you believe everything that the media says? No.
Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Nope.
Did you know that Michael Jackson wore eyeliner? No.
I just found out that he did just last night....:0 Cool...
Do you doodle during class? If so,which class(es)? Yeah. The ones where I'm sitting far enough away from the professor for it to look like I'm taking notes.
Does your favorite band lip-sync? Dunno.
Do you headband a lot? Meaning do I wear headbands a lot? (If there's some other meaning, I don't get it.) No. I hate headbands because they draw so much attention to my ears...but I do think they're cute in general.
Do you have a garage? No.
Do you participate in P.E. even though you dislike the activity? In high school, yes. We had to participate if we wanted a decent grade.
Do you wear loose shirts or body-flattering shirts? Both. And some of my "loose" shirts are very flattering.
Have you ever been to Bojangles? No.
Have you ever stolen something from a grocery store? Nope.
Are you excited about being able to be on your own at the age of 18? ...
Are you excited that you're going to die in about 70 years? Hmm, don't know how accurate that is. I may or may not live to 92.
Run your tongue over your teeth. What do they feel like? Gross. I just had a cup of coffee.
When you stand up,do you get light-headed? Not usually.
Do any bones pop when you stand up? Sometimes.
Can you type without looking at the keyboard? Yes. I never look at the keyboard, except when I have to use symbols that I never this guy: ^
About how old is your house? I live in an apartment...I don't know how old the building is. My parents' house was built in the 1920s.
Do you have friendly neighbors? To an extent...they smile and say "hi" sometimes.
Does the English language sometimes confuse you? More like frustrate...
If you could bring back ONE dead celebrity,who would it be? I dunno. Brittany Murphy?
What's your favorite song by My Chemical Romance? Don't know the group well enough to have a favorite.
What's your opinion on having 9 people in one band? It seems like a lot, but if it works, it works.
Sniff your shirt. What does it smell like? My detergent.
Now just sniff the air. What does it smell like? My cinnamon candle.
Have you ever fallen off of a bridge? No.
How long can you hold your breath? I dunno...probably like a minute.
Have you ever cussed someone out? No.
Do you walk around town a lot? Yeah.
Is there anything silver around you? Yeah, my watch.
Do you use your middle finger a lot for particular reasons? Not any more than the other fingers...
What's your favorite flavor of cake? Probably chocolate...though I really like carrot cake, too.
Can you make something from scratch? Yeah...lots of things.
When's the last time you twisted your ankle? High school.
How many cars are in your driveway? I don't have a driveway.
Can Gerard Way still sing well? I don't know who that is.
Wait,I forgot to ask! How are you feeling today? All right.

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