Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm actually excited?

I'm starting to get really excited about classes starting. It feels a little weird, to be honest. This summer has been so long...and it's been wonderful, of course, but I'm ready for it to come to a close. And I'm definitely ready to cut back my hours at Applebees--starting next week, I'll only be working 4-5 shifts per week, (yay!). Furthermore, for the first time, I feel like I'm going to love every single one of my classes. Even the creative writing track seminars that I'm so scared of...I think I'll like them once my initial nervousness goes away. And my online fiction writing class is going to be amazing! Ah, I love being an English major.

1) Is there anyone in the room with you right now? Who?

2) What colors are you wearing?
Blue and orange.

3) Have you ever worked a double shift?
Plenty of times. I'm working one tomorrow, actually.

4) Have you ever worked two different jobs at the same time?
Yes. That didn't last long, though.

5) How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
Once or twice.

6) When was the last time you studied?
Finals week of last semester.

7) What was the last thing you learned?
I love peach sangrias at The Olive Garden. lol

8) What are your plans for tomorrow?
Working noon-9ish. I'm not sure what I'll do after work.

9) Are you tired?
Not too much, actually.

10) What was the last thing you drank?
Wine. Jordan's friend John brought us a bottle.

11) Did you go on vacation this past summer?
Yeah, if our honeymoon counts.

12) What are your plans for next summer?
I don't know yet! We're talking about taking a trip to Colorado, but nothing is finalized.

13) What classes, if any, are you currently taking?
None at the moment. They start on Monday!

14) Who was the last person you talked to?

15) Who was your last text message from?

16) What do you usually do on the internet?
Facebook, this blog, email, pay bills.

17) What are you doing this weekend?
Working. Maybe going to church on Sunday? We'll see.

18) What was the last thing that made you cry?
My Dad crying while he was walking me down the aisle at my wedding. Aw, just thinking about it now makes me want to cry!

19) What was the last thing you bought for someone?
Hamburger and buns. I made supper for Jordan, Spencer, Bryant, and John tonight.

20) Where do you want to go soon?
I don't know. Burlington to see my parents?

21) Explain your last car ride.
I was driving home from Hy-Vee. It was a very short trip.

22) When was the last time you took a walk?
I walked to the laundry room and then to get the mail today. Does that count? I can't remember the last time I took a walk just for the sake of walking.

23) Who was the last person you saw that you hadn't seen in awhile?
Most of the guests that were at our wedding.

24) Are you missing anyone right now?

25) What do you pray for?
All sorts of things.

26) What is the most amount of trouble you've ever gotten into?
The summer after graduation, before I met Jordan. I wasn't really in serious trouble...but quite a few people were upset with me for the choices I was making.

27) What are you listening to?
My fan.

28) What was the last movie you saw?
Confessions of a Shopaholic.

29) What was the last thing that annoyed you?
Messy apartment!

30) Do you like lemons?
Sometimes. The flavor bothers me in certain foods. I don't like most lemon desserts.

31) Name ten things you use every day.
Shower, shampoo, conditioner, soap, hairbrush, toothbrush, mirror, makeup, computer, toilet.

32) Do you wear makeup?
Yes. Not a whole lot, though.

33) What do you need?
I need to get my name changed on my university record.

34) Where was your profile picture taken?
At the old apartment.

35) When was the last time you had sex?

36) Ocean or pool?
Pool for swimming.

37) Amusement park or water park?
It depends on the weather!

38) Hot or cold?
Usually hot...but it depends on what we're talking about.

39) Sandals or sneakers?

40) Nike or Adidas?
I don't care.

41) Walmart or Target?

42) Coke or Pepsi?

43) Dell or Apple?

44) Preferred cell service?
I use Verizon.

45) School or work?
With my current workplace in mind, definitely school. In general though, probably work.

46) Love or money?

47) Love or lust?

48) Relationship or one night stand?

49) Cheating or lying?

50) Movies or TV?

51) Radio or CD's?

52) One best friend or many close friends?
A few close friends.

53) Friends or family?
Both are very dear to me.

54) Would you die for your friends?
I like to think that I would.

55) Do you drive?

56) What was the last thing that made you mad?
Having to cover someone's shift at the last minute yesterday morning. Well, I didn't have to, but she called me crying and I would have felt so bad saying no.

57) Five of your closest friends?
Katie, Carissa, my mom. That's pretty much it! Unless I can count Jordan, too.

58) Sleep or food?
If I'm super tired, I don't even care if I'm hungry. But for the most part, I'd say food.

59) Dodge or Ford?
I don't care.

60) What is one of your pet peeves?
People that take their kids out to eat with them and let them misbehave and make a HUGE mess...then don't even try to clean it up.

61) Do you have any psychiatric disorders?
I haven't been diagnosed with any, but I've never been to a psychiatrist.

62) Have you ever been depressed?
Not seriously.

63) Xbox, Sega, or Nintendo?
I like Nintendo.

64) Do you like kids?
For the most part.

65) What are you scared of?
Spiders, pain, losing any of my loved ones.

66) Do you go trick-or-treating?
Nope. I never have in my life--seriously.

67) Last thing you watched on TV?
A little bit of You, Me, and Dupree.

68) Who is your favorite relative?
I don't have a favorite relative. There are some that I'm cloesr to, but that's just a matter of personalities meshing or not doesn't make me love them any more or less.

69) When was the last time you ate crabs?
I don't remember. I don't like crab very much.

70) Are you on a diet?

71) What kind of music do you listen to?
Lots of different kinds. Christian, rock, electronica, acoustic, pop, classical...

72) Did you used to listen to boy bands?
A bit. I was a Backstreet Boys fan in elementary school.

73) Reading or writing?
Writing is my favorite, but I love both very much.

74) Do you have a favorite number?
Yes, 24. I'm not sure why, but it has been my favorite number since third grade.

75) Have you ever played BINGO?
Yes. We played it a lot in my high school Spanish class. Except I think we called it BUENO.

76) Have you ever wondered if there was a point to life?
Haven't we all?

77) What's your favorite restaurant?
I have several! I ate at one of them tonight--Olive Garden, yummm.

78) Do you eat out or at home more often?
At home. Although, we've been eating take-out a lot lately. I'm not sure why.

79) Are you smart?
Yeah, but not exceptionally.

80) Are you jealous?
Not really.

81) Are you confident?
Not really. I'm getting better, though.

82) Do you believe in yourself?
Same as the above question.

83) Where is your mom?
In Burlington, probably sleeping.

84) Hugs or drugs?

85) Have you ever done anything you said you'd never do?

86) Are you a nosey person?
Not particularly.

87) Do you watch MTV?

88) What is the last thing you downloaded to your computer?
I can't remember.

89) What time is it?
1:01 AM

90) How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
Anywhere between 6 and 10.

91) Where is the person you care about the most?
In the bathroom.

92) Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself?

93) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

94) Have you ever been to a casino?

95) What color underwear are you wearing?
White and red.

96) What is the last item of clothing you purchased?
Ooh, I bought all kinds of clothes today! Four t-shirts, one tank top, and a pair of jeans.

97) How much money do you have in your wallet?
Twelve dollars.

98) When is the last time you got gas?
Jordan filled up our tank yesterday. The last time I pumped it myself was last Thursday.

99) Have you ever had a bug fly up your nose?
Yeah...quite unpleasant.

100) Are your fingernails painted?
No. I hate painting my fingernails.

101) What is the most annoying song?
Any too-twangy or too-repetitive song annoys, a lot of country songs and a lot of rap songs.

102) What is the nearest picture of?
Jordan and me--engagement picture.

103) What is on your dresser?
A ton of stuff.

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