I discovered something amazing recently: Swiss Miss Marshmallow Lover's Hot Chocolate. When I bought it, I curiously noted that its box was twice as large as the box of any other variety of the same brand. Why is the box so much bigger? Well, because there are twice as many envelopes. That's right, each serving of hot cocoa comes with an additional envelope full of nothing but tiny marshmallows to put on top. Amazing, right?!
And now for something a little less amazing...
Does the idea of college scare you or excite you?
Um, it excites me that I'm almost done with it!
Who was the last person to confide in you with something?
What colors are you wearing right now?
Blue and white.
Could you go for something to eat?
Nah. I just had a big pile of potato chips and some hot chocolate.
Are there any songs that you really dont like but they just get stuck in your head?
What site did you visit before this one?
When youre getting ready to "settle down" when you're older do you see yourself living in a small town or in the city?
Something in the middle. Like Burlington. Or a suburb, so I could have the small town feel with a bigger city conveniently close by.
What was the last thing you touched other than the keyboard?
My face because I sneezed.
Do you change your look often?
Think to the last time someone said thank you to you, what had you done to earn it?
I packed Jordan's "lunch" for work tonight.
Where all have you been so far today?
Class, Ped mall, DMV, Burger King, home.
If you were out somewhere, who would you most likely be seen with?
Jordan or Carissa.
Who is someone who never fails to make you smile?
Jordan, Carissa, Katie, my parents.
Is there anything thats worrying you at the moment?
Yeah, my classes! I have so much to do...I definitely shouldn't be wasting time on this survey.
Honestly, do you wish there was someone still in your life who used to be but for whatever reason isnt anymore?
Yeah, there are a few friends from my teenage years that I miss being close to...but at the same time, I'm not totally broken up about that. I'm content with my small circle of friends and family.
Could you go for shopping currently?
Not this instant...
What are you in need of buying?
Eggs! I went grocery shopping yesterday and totally forgot that we needed them.
Do you wear jewlery a lot?
My rings. I guess I wear my circle necklace from Jordan's Grandma a lot, too.
When youre in front of the mirror do you seem to always find something you need to fix about yourself?
Pretty much.
What's something really funny that has happened recently?
This morning, I was making toast and coffee for Jordan and myself...Jordan thought it would be funny to sneak into the kitchen and stand right behind me to scare me. I turned around, tripped over his foot, and dropped the toast on the floor...jam-side down. He felt so bad for making me drop it that he ate it anyway!
Do you think you've found the one you want to marry yet?
I should hope so.
Who in your household do you not have a good relationship with?
No one.
Honestly, would you rather be single or in a relationship?
In a relationship.
Do you and your best friends have a lot in common, or are you guys pretty different?
Both! Our personalities are very different, but we have a lot in common.
Do any of your friends not get a long at all? How good or bad does that work out for you?
Not really.
What time is it?
11:54 p.m.
Do you have anything else to do before you go to sleep?
Which do you spend more time on facebook,xanga,or myspace?
Definitely facebook. (lol, xanga)
Whats something you do to take your mind off things?
Watch TV, listen to music.
What school year do you think was the most memorable for you out of any?
My first year at U of I. Pre-college, I guess my senior year of high school.
Which scares you more the idea of falling in love or falling out of love?
It's never even occurred to me to be scared of falling in love. The idea of falling out of love is much scarier, in my opinion.
Do you see your relationship status changing anytime in the near future?
Definitely not.
What's something you can't wait for to happen?
The holidays! My birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas...all that good stuff. Ooh, I can't wait to put up our little Christmas tree!
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