Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

So, the first writing assignment for my fiction class is to write about either the best or worst thing that has ever happened to me. Yeah...pretty tall order, huh? I'm going to be utterly predictable and say that the best thing that ever happened to me was Jordan. But how do I translate our three years together into a nice little six-page story? How do I pick a "best thing" in particular? Was it when we first met? When we first said we loved each other? When we became engaged? When we got married? ...See what I mean? Hmmph.

That being the case, I've decided to write about the worst thing that has ever happened to me. And it just so happens that it didn't really even happen to happened to Jordan (yes, when his lung collapsed). He defines so much of me. I like that. I vowed to spend my life with him, wouldn't it be strange if he didn't? Nonetheless, I'm left wondering this: what was the worst thing that ever happened to me before I met Jordan? Or the best thing, for that matter? I feel like my life hasn't been extreme enough for me to be able to point out an absolute high or low point (excluding Jordan). That bothers me a bit. Maybe I just haven't given it enough thought. Hmm...

Well I don't like this assignment, anyway. Isn't this a FICTION WRITING CLASS? Why are we being forced to write a NONfiction personal narrative? Boo.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, that's a good question...all of them :)

    I'd offer insight, but you know...I barely have anything to offer. It's hard for me to think outside of Brian and myself, too!

    If it were me I would consider:
    1) The best thing(s) that have happened to me are the worst things...sounds like me, doesn't it.
    2) Would I be allowed to say that the best thing is that LIFE has happened...that I've been given the chance to live long enough to be writing this assignment?
    3), I need more time to think.
    4) For worst...I would go with...hmm, really I don't know. And truthfully, that's b/c all the bad things have kinda lead to good things. My crazy mom/family led me to appreciate my friends more and have a higher level of concern for my own parenting when that time comes basically, we're back to the first idea :)
