Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm just a stupid fiction writer

The writer's house seminar sucks. It's a good idea in theory...but in reality, it's boring and has way too many assignments and projects for a 2 credit hour class. One fantastic example is "preparation groups." The week before a guest author comes to talk to us, a group of students have to lead the class in a discussion about the author and their work. My preparation group is presenting tomorrow and I have NO CLUE what I'm going to talk about. Since the groups were assigned randomly, there are a lot of fiction writers that were put into groups that are discussing books of poetry. Like me...and almost everyone else in my group. Poetry isn't my thing, but I'm not totally dense about it...I've taken American poetry, British poetry, and poetry writing, so I have a decent grasp of it. So, when half the people in my preparation group claimed to have no understanding of poetry whatsoever and started begging for easy topics like our author's biography and reviews of her book, I agreed to talk about the actual poems. The problem is that I don't like the book very much. It's that cryptic sort of poetry. Here's a good example of the crazy cryptic-ness: "I want to say a simple case of cause/and defective, cause and deflected/defected, case in point and shoot,/in casualties and disaffected/and I do say, but imagine the words/not black and white but grey on grey." I'm sure that's quite meaningful to the poet...but it sounds like nonsense to me. Catchy, but nonsense, nonetheless. But I can't say that in class, because some other student who lives for poetry and wants to be a poet will laugh at me and tell me the lines make perfect sense and I'm just a stupid fiction writer. WHY did I have to get put in this preparation group?! We studied a different book of poetry earlier in the semester...I LIKED that one! I would have been happy to talk about that one! Not that there's anything wrong with this book...it's just not the kind of poetry that I would prefer to read or enjoy reading. /sigh. I am SO happy that the English department is getting rid of the house seminar portion of the creative writing track. I would go crazy if I had to take it again next semester...

Okay. I'm done ranting. All the ranting in the world won't change the fact that I do indeed have to come up with something to say about the book and I have to come up with it tonight. But first...

Have you ever cuddled with someone you weren't dating?

What shirt were you wearing when your last kiss took place?
Black tank top

If you woke up and no one was home, would you wonder where everyone is?
Yeah. That would be kind of unusual.

Would you consider yourself kinky?
Not really.

Is anything annoying you right now?
All the crap I have due for my writer's house seminar...UGH.

Do you miss someone?

In school, how was/is your attendance record?
Pretty good in high school. I never had unexcused absences--my mom always called in for me. College...it's okay. I'm doing a lot better this semester than previous ones, that's for sure.

What are you sitting on right now?
A computer chair.

Will you be in a relationship next month?

Do you think there are circumstances when it's okay to wait for someone?
What do you mean? Wait to date someone? Wait to have sex with someone? Wait for someone because they're running late? You should be more specific.

Do you have your tongue pierced?

Can you count on anyone to be there for you, always?

Do you ever miss your past?
Parts of it.

What really irritates you?
When my roommates make huge messes and don't clean them up until I tell them they have to clean them up. I feel like a mom sometimes.

Would you rather date someone older than you or younger?
It never made that much of a difference to me--I dated a pretty equal amount of older and younger guys.

Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?

Who was the last person you took a picture with?

Who was the last person you laid in a bed with?

Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
It's gray with red lettering that says "Iowa District Quizzing,Talent, & Athletics"...from MAX my sophomore year.

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?

Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
I'd be pretty shocked. And mad. That's something he would never do unless I urged him to do it...and I can't imagine why I would.

Will you talk to the person you like tonight?

Have you ever kissed the last person you kissed inside a vehicle?

Will you be sleeping alone tonight?
Yep. Jordan's working.

Who's the last person that texted you?
I dunno. It was probably Carissa.

Pretend you've had 10 beers. Describe what you would be doing right now?
Maybe puking. It's hard to imagine because I've never been able to choke down more than one or two beers, since I hate the taste.

Do you think there's a difference between love and in love?

Are both of your blood parents still in your life?

If you could, would you date the last person you texted?
If it was Carissa, no.

Fact about the last person you kissed?
He got drunk in the middle of the day today because our fridge had too much wine in it and he decided he should finish one of the bottles to make room for our groceries. lol

When is your birthday?
November 24. Two weeks away!

Do you believe that there's good in everybody?

Have you had sex with four or more people in one night?

What happened last night?
Watched Heroes with Jordan, worked on some homework, did laundry...nothing too exciting.

What was the last thing you did before bed last night?
Washed my face.

Does anyone know your password besides you?

How was your day?
Super busy. Had a long shift at Applebees (for a Tuesday morning, at least), ran a lot of errands after work, and have a lot of homework that I need to finish. It's kind of ridiculous that I'm even taking a break...oh well.

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