Yep, a survey. But a really cool one! One of the most unique surveys I've ever taken. The writer of it seems to like a lot of the same nerdy stuff as me :P
What do you normally find yourself daydreaming about: Things to write about, Jordan's and my future.
If you could add another species to this world, what would you choose: Unicorns!
If Aslan appeared before you and asked you to come to Narnia, would you: Yeah!! Just for a vacation, though. lol
What have you most recently wished for that has come true: To have a full night's sleep! I got it last night, thanks to the fact that I was able to reschedule the exam I was supposed to be taking right now. I don't have to take it until Tuesday now :)
Do you believe in fairytale love: Well, in fairy tales, the people that fall in love always seem destined to be together--I believe in that. As for other aspects of fairy tale love...not so much.
What is your favorite fairy tale: I'm not sure...I can't remember most of the ones I used to read. I'm going to be lame and predictable and say Cinderella.
Why do you like this sort of fairytale the most: I like romances, and little mice. :) Although I don't know if the mice are in the original fairy tale, or just the Disney movie...
Is there any novels, short stories, etc that you can easily relate to: Yeah. Usually books with writers/book lovers in them...go figure, lol.
Sometimes do you think that there is more behind reality than what you see: Yeah.
Is there a famous person living or dead that you can relate to: Probably. But I can't think of anyone right now.
Very well then, if so, who is this person you very well speak of:
Why do you relate to this person as you do. Please be quite specific: Guess I ruined this section by not being able to think of someone...oh well.
If you could be any creature of fantasy or sci fi, what would you be: Elf. The Lord of the Rings variety.
Have you ever thought of something overly morbid: Yeah.
What was this thought, if you will. I am morbid, so feel free to answer: Awful ways to die, what it would be like to be buried alive, etc.
What is the most recent thought you've thought of: Before this survey? I want to listen to Christmas music! So I am.
If someone ran over your pet, how would you kill them: Oh no! :( You're right, you are morbid. I wouldn't kill them...though I would definitely have an immediate impulse to hurt them, a lot.
Do you like Edgar Allen Poe: Yeah, what I've read of him.
What poem or story of his do you like the most: The Cask of Amontillado
If someone could tell you the mystery behind life, would you want to know: There's a mystery behind life?
If not, or if so, what do you think the reason or mystery of life truly is: Oh, the reason. You should have said that before. I think it's probably a little different for everybody...but I feel the purpose (I like this word better) of my life is to love God, love people, love myself...and try to do my little bit of good for the world.
Why do you think balloons burst before getting out of Earth's atmosphere: I'm sure it has something to do with air pressure or something...but I'm not a science buff, so I have no idea, really.
What inanimate object would you be if a mage cast a spell upon you: A book
Do you like The Lord Of The Rings: I've never read the books (shocking, I know), but I loved the movies.
If so, what do you think of Hobbits: I'm a fan.
If you could ride a Unicorn or Falkor, who would you choose: A unicorn
If you could be a Satyr or a Centaur, which would you choose: Centaur
What do you think of Disney: I like Disney movies and I'd like to go to Disneyworld or Disneyland someday. That's as far as my opinion goes on the subject.
Which Disney film do you like the most: Beauty and the Beast
Do you like The Venture Bros (The Monarch is hilarious!^^): I don't know anything about it.
What type of music do you like: Christian, rock, indie, acoustic, pop, trance, jazz, classical, Broadway...
What favorite band do you like that you could not stop liking: I tend to like individual artists more than bands. I'll always love Kelly Clarkson and Nichole Nordeman.
If you are in a bad mood, please state the cause: I'm not :)
Do you ever think of death so much it depresses you: Not very often.
What worries you the most out of everything that could possibly worry you: People I love dying--especially the idea that it could happen unexpectedly.
What type of books do you normally like to read: Fiction in general. I like them to have a bit of romance in them.
What are you listening to as of this very moment: The Christmas Song, sung by Avalon.
Do you like any of the Star Trek shows: I've never watched Star Trek.
If so, which is your favorite. If not, why so: I've just never taken the time to watch it, like so many other shows on TV. Also, I hardly ever turn to the Sci-Fi channel.
Is there something you want to tell someone but cannot: Not really.
If so, what is it:
Did you like my survey: Yes.
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